RCA P46924 46" Rear Projection Television Logo
Jim Motley Posted on Aug 07, 2007
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46" projection not coming on

All the sudden when you push the power on button there is this terrible static sound and of course nothing happens. The sound continues long as the power button is held down. TV has been great and is built into the wall, so would like to keep it if it can be fixed. Was on high quality surge protector with battery back up and has been tried directly into the wall socket. Thanks!

  • Jim Motley Aug 10, 2007


    Doubled checked and the sound was not coming from the speaker so I did take the back panel off and do see arc flashes of light as you described. Thanks Jim


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  • Posted on Aug 09, 2007
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The P46924 uses the PTK195 series chassis. You do NOT have a power supply or flyback (high voltage) transformer problem. The regulator is the small MOSFET on the heat sink next to the AC power cord. The STK730-010 regulator on a small board above the chassis is the power supply for the convergence. If the STK regulator was bad you would have a picture but the colors would not line up. If the flyback was shorted the set would instantly shut down without making a sound. If the main power supply was not working the set would not even start at all. Is the static sound you hear coming from the speakers, or is it originating down inside the set? Does the static sound like a set that does not have an antenna hooked up or does it sound like a snapping, arcing sound? Try this: Remove the back of the set, dim the lights in the room and have someone press the power button while you look in the back. Do you see flashes of light, like sparks or high voltage arcing? Let me know what you see and hear and we will guide you to the next step.

  • Anonymous Aug 11, 2007

    If you see the arcing by the flyback transformer, the kind of whitish-looking "box" at the back of the main board with the thick red wire coming out of the top, then the plastic insulation around the flyback has a pinhole in it allowing the high voltage to leak out. In this case the flyback should be replaced. If the arcing is coming from up around the front of the chassis, then it could be the splitter (distribution) box or one of the anode caps on one the picture tubes which is arcing. Either way, the set should be serviced by a tech experienced in RCA projection sets.



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  • Posted on Aug 08, 2007
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You have an power supply problem & or a high voltage flyback transformer gone bad. The regulator is usually an STK followed by some numbers, located on a separate small board above the main chassis in the rear of the tv. The flyback is down on the main chassis & has a red high voltage lead wire coming out of it that goes to the high voltage/focus block.


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