Saeco Magic De Luxe Espresso Machine Logo
Whitney Brown Posted on Aug 06, 2007

Saeco Magic Deluxe flashing water light, & not draining

I inherited a saeco magic deluxe that does not drain water. That is, with the tank full, and machine powered on, the empty water tank warning light flashes and the green temp light comes on after about two minutes. When the steam/hot water knob is turned counter clockwise the pump powers on but nothing comes out. I have made sure water freely flows from the tank when the button underneath is depressed, and I have repeatedly re-seated the tank onto the machine while the pump is running by lifting the tank 1/2 inch and then letting it back down. When I do that a few tiny air bubbles come up, but thats about it. What should my next troubleshooting step be, and if it turns out to be a bad pump, where can I purchase one? Thank You!!

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  • Posted on Aug 06, 2007
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The pump could be out or it could just need primed. Saeco sells a cheap hand pump that you insert into the receiver and force water into the system while the pump is pumping. This will often prime the pump and get things going. Call 1 800 933 7876 and tell one of the customer service reps you need a priming pump.

5 Related Answers


  • 515 Answers
  • Posted on Jul 13, 2008

SOURCE: help saeco deluxe sup 012


I have in Italian



  • 11 Answers
  • Posted on Nov 13, 2008

SOURCE: saeco magic de luxe espresso machine

Ok, so you can download a new user manual for your saeco coffee machine here

let me know if you have any specific question following this.


  • 6 Answers
  • Posted on Sep 04, 2009

SOURCE: Temperature control on Saeco magic deluxe

No it cannot. I am not sure why you would want the water hotter. It is designed to be at the perect temperature for passing through the brew group for coffee brewing, its kind of a simple science. 
If your machine has been producing less hot coffee gradually, that marks an issue. Try descaling the boiler per the manufacturer's inscrutions even if the warning light isnt on. The other option is that the thermal fuse mounted to the boiler is bad and turns off the boiler prematurely, those cost about $15 and are simple to replace. Lastly, the boiler heating element may be 'burnt out' new boiler is $120+


  • 1089 Answers
  • Posted on Jan 10, 2010

SOURCE: Steady Brew Group Light: Old Saeco Magic deluxe

Open the door on the right. The brew unit is the thing with the handle that has the push on it. You need to push on the upper left side of the brew unit until it clicks. There is an outlet spout on the opposite side of where you are pushing. It goes into an intake port that needs to be lubed, so the outlet spout will slide in without pushing back. That should take care of the missing brew unit.


  • 39 Answers
  • Posted on May 06, 2010

SOURCE: Water pump in Saeco Magic Deluxe

If you haven't cleaned the brew group, or decalcified the unit I would start there. This is something I do every 4 to 6 months (or anytime I notice the flow of coffee to start to slow down). This normally restores the flow to the original flow level. If you have already done these things you may want to give Saeco support a call and see what they suggest. They are extremely helpful, although very difficult to get on the phone as the phone system they use is horrible and hangs up after you hold more than a certain amount of time.


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