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Joe Hong Posted on Aug 05, 2007
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GE APH10AA - beeps once when plugged in but doesnt turn on

Hi, I have a GE portable air conditioner, I believe the model is APH10AA. It's been working, then one night when I go to turn it on, it doesnt turn on. I tried unplugging it and plug it back in. When I plugged it back in it beeps once, but is still not coming on. However the blades that moves to circulate the air is moving, but no fan comes on and no "ON" light turns on. What could be wrong? Is the complressor locked up ? Any help is appreciated !!! Thanks

  • Anonymous Apr 27, 2009

    I have a room air conditioner. Would there be different ways to test the problem or do I need to remove it from the window?


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Milton Guerrero

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  • Posted on May 14, 2020
Milton Guerrero
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Did you solved i have the dame issue


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  • Posted on Jan 27, 2008
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It could be just the start capacitor for the compressor that has gone out. Easy way of checking is to take a screwdriver and short across the leads after you have unhooked it from the wiring connectors (don't touch metal while doing this, it CAN shock you) and take an analog meter, put it on ohms for resistance, and touch it across the two connectors. The meter should jump, then switch leads and touch them again. It should jump consistently like this. If it's not that, then it's probably either faulty wiring, switch or if all else fails it could be the compressor went to ground. Take off the leads going to it, again set the meter to full resistance, and put one lead on copper tubing going into the compressor, and touch each pin of the connector on unit. If any of them read anything, then it is the compressor. Hope this helps.


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