HP Compaq FS7600 17" CRT Monitor Logo

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Roselee Irvine Posted on Aug 05, 2007
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Monitor problem The screen is on full view but it looks lop sided like more dark area on the right side an less on the left. All works fine but looks like it off set. I love my Compaq FS7600 . If you understand the problem please send a message to me and let me know. I have tried to adjust from the buttons on the Monitor and etc. Help. Thanks for your time and hope we can fix this. I am able to use it like it is but would like to see it full across the screen. I did the right hand corner above to full view but this is still dark on the right side about an inch.or more. Thanks. Email or answer.. soon as you can.at [email protected]

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Samir Shah

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  • Expert 220 Answers
  • Posted on Feb 23, 2008
Samir  Shah
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Joined: Feb 16, 2008

Replace video filter capacitor supplying voltage to RGB driver transistors like 47uf 160v.

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Just dowloaded Google Chrome and its on the right hand if the screen. I cant move it over to the left hand side. How do I move Chrome screen over to the Left side of the monitor?

Use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the screen, if not there reset your screen setting to a higher resolution.

Dual screen wont work


1) You cannot plug a monitor into the VGA connector, on the back of the desktop computer, AND plug a second monitor into a DVI connector, on the back of a desktop computer.

In otherwords you can only plug ONE monitor into the motherboard.

[ The I/O area on the back of the desktop computer, is the Input/Output area. This rectangular area has connections for Input devices, and Output devices.

Examples such as a Mouse, Keyboard, (INPUT), VGA devices, (VGA monitor - Output), USB devices, audio devices, (Speakers - Output. Microphone is an Input device), and so on.

The I/O area has a rectangular metal shield. (Thin metal plate)

Connecting a device in the I/O area, is connecting it directly to the motherboard.

Example of a VGA connector, and VGA cable,


Example of a DVI cable, and DVI connector,


(There are several variations of DVI connectors.
Scroll down ]

To use dual monitors you need a graphics card also.
Graphics card with a VGA connector, or DVI connector. (Or both)

Monitor with VGA cable, plugs into the I/O area on the back of the desktop computer. (Plugs into the motherboard's graphic chipset)

The second monitor plugs into the graphics card's DVI connector, or VGA connector.

[ Just an example,


On the image of the graphics card on the left;
Go under it to the subheading - + 11 larger images and views.

There are 7 views shown. One is the carton the graphics card comes in. (View 2 from the left)

Going from the left side, count over to the 5th view. Left-click on the 5th view. Shows you the 'business end' of the graphics card.

Starting at the left side it is the HDMI connector, then VGA connector, then DVI connector.

YES, you can plug a VGA monitor, AND a DVI monitor, into this type of graphics card, and have Dual monitors ]

Computer on, Windows running; Put the Installation disk (CD) in the optical drive's tray. (CD/DVD drive)
Load ALL software.
Drivers, and 'Control Panel'.

Graphics card software loaded, close all windows, go back to your desktop screen. Turn the computer off normally.

Unplug the computer from power. Open the computer case.
FOLLOW Anti-Static Precautions.
(Don't know Anti-Static Precautions? Post back in a Comment)

Physically install the graphics card. Close the computer case.
Plug the VGA cable of the Primary monitor, into the VGA connector in the I/O area, on the back of the desktop computer.

Now plug the DVI cable of the Secondary monitor, into the DVI connector on the graphics card.

(The main monitor you use is the Primary monitor. The second monitor you are going to add, is the Secondary monitor )

Plug the computer into power. Both monitors plugged into power, turn them BOTH on.
Turn the computer on.

When Windows loads you will see a display on the Primary monitor.
Your desktop screen.

Now Right-click on an empty area of your desktop screen.
In the list at the bottom, Left-click on - Properties.

In the Display Properties window that comes up, left-click on the -
Settings tab.

You will see two rectangular icons. 1 and 2.
1 is the Primary monitor. 2 is the Secondary monitor.

Left-click on the Secondary monitor icon.
Go down towards the bottom/middle on the left.

Left-click in the empty square to the left of -
Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor

Go down to the bottom Right. Left-click on Apply.
Go down to the bottom Left. Left-click on OK.

Your desktop screen will now be on the secondary monitor.

When you open your internet browser, (Yahoo, or Google, or MSN, or Mozilla Firefox, etc), you have to DRAG the screen onto the secondary monitor.

(Let's use Yahoo for an example. Yahoo will be on your Primary monitor.
You need to drag Yahoo onto the Secondary monitor)

Which direction you drag, is up to which direction the two monitors are sitting, on your computer desk.

The way the monitors are sitting in Display Properties; the Primary monitor is on the Left. ( 1 )
The Secondary monitor ( 2 ) is on the Right.

This is the way the two monitors should sit on your computer desk.
(There is a way to switch them around, however)

On your Primary monitor, (Still using Yahoo as an example), go to the RIGHT side. See the blue frame going around the screen?

When you bring the mouse cursor ON the blue frame, it turns into a Double-Sided arrow.
It is difficult at first to keep the cursor as a double-sided arrow.

Move too far to the right, it turns into the usual pointed cursor.
Move too far to the left, and it turns into the usual pointed cursor.
have to keep it on the blue frame.

WHILE the mouse cursor is a Double-Sided arrow, left-click, and hold the left mouse button down. Now drag the screen to the Right.
(Move your mouse to the right)

Keep dragging until the Yahoo browser is on both monitors.

Different size monitors? The display will not be the same size, on both monitors.

[ I use an HP 2009m, 20-inch widescreen monitor, as a Primary monitor, and an RCA EN-V, 26 inch HDTV, as a Secondary monitor.

I have my desktop on the Primary monitor, and FixYa, (Firefox browser), on the Secondary monitor, right now ]

If this is not your problem please state in a Comment.
Also state additional questions in a Comment.


The ASP Ratio feature on my Insignia ISEDPLTV42 doesn't allow a full screen view - only 2 large black areas on both the right & left sides. I have a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) hooked up to

the ratio you speak of is the 4x3 and the set may have locked on it--If you have not tried to: unplug the set from power for a while and plug back in to see if set will reset itself.

I presume you went into customer menu and checked to see if you have the option to change from 4x3 to full or 16x9.

On my monitor W1941S half of area (left side) changed all colours to darker then right side (which is o.k.), What is the problem? Thank you.

Press f-Engine button (it is on the right side of MENU button), select your desired setting, if it doesn't help, select the "X" (none) mode - the half dark screen will reset to full screen OK mode.

The monitor screen in lop-sided and curved. not

My loptop screen is cracked, Compaq - 14.1" screen , i need new screen please tell me the rate

I have a 1 inch on the left and right side how do I get full scre

if you hav a monitor separate from your computer(not a laptop)then just use your settings on the monitor untill it works again the way you like it..

or for laptops and monitors with no controls on them go 2 control panel>>>>appearance and themes>>>>display. then click on the tab that says settings. go 2 advanced and the dpi setting should be set at 96....and if nothing changes go 2 the appearance tab then 2 advanced. and at the bottom for the item look for active window border and the size should say 1. if it does then keepo trying to make the number bigger so your page doesnt have a black border


Monitor sizes are measured on the diagonal from corner to corner.

A 17" LCD may have a screen width of 12 inches measured from side to side.

If you are measuring a old style CRT monitor (Cathode Ray tube) the visible screen area will be about an inch less as there is about 1/2 inch of plastic frame holding the CRT in the chassis. The manufacturer can advertise the actual size of the screen regardless of how much is actually visible to display information.

If you are talking about software not utilizing all the available screen area to display the image, that is an issue with the people writing the software code not keeping up with the changes in hardware.

In the past year or two, most displays have switched to the 16:9 and 16:10 wide aspect ratios while most web content is still written for the 4:3 old style aspect ratio. Eventually, software developers will catch up with cusrrent hardware.

Compaq Monitor Model 7600

There are usually controls, button or knobs, to "Stretch" "Move" "Pincusion" and others... have you tried this, as this is what it "Sounds" like to me from ya description? If there are NO controls on the front to accomplish this task, at the REAR of the unit there should be controls marked to show the function. Below is a link where ya will find a Manual that may help ya. http://www.retrevo.com/s/HP-7600-Monitors-review-manual/id/281ci552/t/1-2/
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