Stanton C.500 Dual CD Player Logo

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Paul Addison Posted on Aug 05, 2007

Stanton C500 Dual CD Player

My right player just stopped reading in mid-song for no apparent reason. Now it will not read a disc at all. The left player still works perfectly. The system is mounted and protected very well and, unfortunately, used very infrequently. Help! I have a few shows impending! Paul Addison DJ Krunch

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  • Anonymous Dec 30, 2007

    left side of C500 reads instantly and goes to track 1 . Right side says "read"......and will not continue to track sometimes does but takes over a minute.....but its a crapshoot I cannot afford to have. I tried using a CD lens cleaner and cleaned individual CD s but it will not perform as the left side does......

  • Anonymous Dec 30, 2007

    re: Stanton C500 dual CD player. I am having a problem with the right side of this unit as follows: When I load a CD in the left says "close" then "read" then the readout goes to the first track and is ready to play. On the right side it stops at "read" and does not go to the first track. Sometimes if I wait for over a minute it will finally kick into the play mode showing track 1 but the left side does this instantly. I tried using a CD cleaner and a lens cleaner but it did not seem to improve the problem. This unit has had playing time use of only about 20 hours if that. It is over a year old and is in a case and has been used rarely...but when I need to use it..I need it to work correctly. I will appreciate anyone who can advise me on this matter...thanks from Cleveland, Ohio...

  • thetrojen Sep 15, 2008

    Hi Iam in need of some serious help, deck2 takes too long to read a cd, and when it finally reads the Cd, it plays at an unusual high speed and you cannot adjust the speed/pitch - really can some one hlp

    [email protected]


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  • Posted on Aug 05, 2007
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Hi, check that when the right side tray closes the screen must show up READ or DISC CHECK. the behaviour must be the same as the left side cd deck. if loading is faulty then the cd tray is out of alignment or sensing swithches are faulty. if disc is loading then u have a laser pickup problem or the laser ribbon cable is intermittent or the spindle motor is tired or the laser lens needs accurate cleaning. cheers.

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Clean your CDs before and after playing them. Although the compact disc has a much longer lifespan than does something like a cassette tape, it can be more fragile. Scratches, dust or other damage to the data side of the CD will cause many CD players to fail to read the CD or cause the CD to skip.

Examine the type and format of the compact disc if your CD player fails to read it. Verify that your CD player can read the type of CD and the files contained on it. Just because you've burned a collection of songs to a CD, for example, doesn't mean that your CD player will be able to recognize that information. You must burn CDs in a specially formatted "Audio CD" mode to play them on a CD player, or your CD player must be able to recognize the MP3 file format. Some CD players have limitations on the type of CD they can read. Verify that your CD player can read CD-R, CD+R, CD-RW or CD+RW compact discs.

Update your CD player's driver, if your CD player is a drive connected to your computer. Click "Start" and select "Control Panel." Click on "Hardware and Sound" and select "Device Manager" under "Devices and Printers." Right-click the icon for your CD drive and select "Update driver software." This may solve any issues the drive was having with playing CDs.


I have lost the cable that connects my stanton c500 deck to the control unit. Could I get a replacement for it and where. Thank you

Hello Max. These connection cables are common items. take the deck to Radio Shack and they will match your device to the necessary cable. Joe

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American Audio Mcd-810 dual cd/mp3 player

i know its the tray belt.because,the same thing happened to player would sometimes say error. or sometimes it would not read any cds.because,the tray would not close shure its an easy fix.i did mine by my self.

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as with my other posting - all i could do was mail it to be fixed. then it stopped working again so perhaps its time to go elsewhere.

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Same problamo........CD player mechanism needs replacement in my case!.....It could be a flexwire (a belt like flat cable inside your CD player connects motherboard and CD lense), check that out!

Stops reading mid song

Man please let me know what they say, i have this problem too. I suspect it has something to do with the laser to read the cds....
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