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Posted on Mar 10, 2009

Kenmore 90 series washer, wont spin, coupler?

Have a Kenmore 90 series washer, it agates fine but wont spin, just makes a loud noise?

Is it a coupler?

Had coupler replaced last year when it would not agate or spin.
But it agites fine now, so is it still the same problem.

  • Anonymous Mar 11, 2009

    It drains fine, it just wont spin, makes very loud noise.

  • ehnbbs Mar 11, 2009

    It drains fine, but will not spin, makes very loud noise when it tries to spin.


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  • Posted on Mar 10, 2009
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Joined: Mar 10, 2009

My washer wouldn't spin or drain and it was a baby sock stuck in the pump! unplug everything and then take the hoses off and look in the pump! hope this helps!

  • babygirl625 Mar 12, 2009

    hmmm i dont know then im sorry! i was hoping it was a cheap easy fix! i know after my sock got removed now the pins in the agitator need replaced so im working on it all


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Kenmore 90 Series Washer Noise--Won't spin

For Tegres
If the noise is only when there is water flowing, check tighten the screws that mount the water fill solenoid valves to the case. The solenoids operate on line current so they vibrate at 60/50Hz (local suppply frequency) if they are loose at all, the noise is loud the body acts as resonators

For SRONEAL, that symptom describes coupling failure exactly, have you removed the coupling to check, often times the motor side hub is stripped, but there is no visible external damage

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You may not have the coupling seated properly. However, if the unit is agitating and spinning at the same time, you may have a more serious transmission problem.

Kenmore washer 90 series wont spin

If your trans and coupler are good then I would suspect the drive block or spin tube. You will have to remove the trans to change out the spin tube. Take out the basket, there should be 2 ears from the spin tube that nest in the drive block. Attached is a photo to help you understand. Before all this make sure nothing is caught between the basket and the tub. Catriverd8086fb.jpg
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