Whirlpool Ultimate Care II LSQ9564J Top Load Washer Logo
mel orr Posted on Aug 02, 2007
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Whirlpool calipso washing machine

Washing machine is fairly new have had no problems just quit working and shows CE on dispay screen. try to reset starts filling then turns off and displays code CE

  • mel orr Aug 12, 2007

    Do not have a service manual any help diagnosing problem would be greatly appreciated


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  • Posted on Aug 05, 2007
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Joined: Sep 29, 2006

"CE" is a communications error between the motor controller and machine controller. This could be a simple problem of just a dirty contact, or it could be something more significant like a wiring harness or control board. There should be a tech sheet inside your washer on the front casing beside the wash tub. You will need to lift the top of the casing up to get to it. In order to do so, you will need to find the two retaining clips holding the top down. Insert a putty knife about 2 inches in from each side along the front seam and push in while lifting up. This will release the top and it will open up. Hold on the the lid as you lift the top as it will want to fall open. The tech sheet should be sealed in plastic on the casing. The troubleshooting steps, along with illustrations are all in this sheet. Both control boards are located inside the top console. Simply remove the screws along the back of the console to remove. Make sure you unplug the washer before attempting any readings. Use care when removing any of the wire connectors or handling the control boards. The wires, as well as, the control boards are delicate. If you do not have a tech sheet, let me know and I will guide you through the necessary steps to troubleshoot. I hope this helps.

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im not quite sure but check how much your loading beacuse you might be overloading it. Or check the filter on the front.

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The OB indicates and out of balance condition has been detected by the motor control.
One thing about the OB error is that the lid must be opened to clear the error and allow the washer to advance to the next part of the cycle. If the lid is not opened to adjust the clothes then the OB error will happen again.

If the OB error was cleared and the OB occurs with an empty load then the motor control has failed.

The drain pump must work. The image below shows how to run a diagnostic test to check the drain pump. Follow the instructions in the image below and check the drain pump operation. If the pump runs and the water does not drain then the sump is clogged. If the pump hums but does not run then the pump needs to be replaced.


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Whirlpool washing machine "clean pump" error light.

take top off machine. look down right side and you will see a disc about 50 mm in diameter, attached to this is a small flexible rubber pipe, take this off at the disc and blow through it,( you will need some type of pipe to connect to the rubber pipe).this worked for me with the very same problem.

Code ce shows we have tried to reset and the code CE come up each time

"CE" Communications Error If there is any breakdown in communication between the machine controller and the motor controller, "CE" flashes and the unit beeps once.
Some common causes of "CE" errors include:
·Conformal coating on serial communications pins between the machine controller and motor controller. After disconnecting power to the unit, try scraping this coating off the pins.
· Check the resistance values between the serial communications pins with the connectors in place. Make sure the harness does not have a bad connection.
· Check the quick disconnect at the motor terminal. The drive motor must be hooked up properly or a "CE" error will occur.
· Drive motor thermal protector has opened.
·Motor controller is not powered or fuse has opened. Replace motor controller.

Press STOP/CANCEL to clear the display.

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You may just look into replacing that switch. You shouldnt have to slam it, and by doing so could be causing damage. Its a cheap fix.

My washer keeps flashing CE code and turns off.

This indicates a communication error between the central control board and the motor control board. Since you said that the fuse is good, a common trouble spot to check is the quick disconnect at the motor connector. Sometimes, unplugging and reseating this connector will clear up the problem. (If you are lucky). Hope this helped and best wishes.

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calyso is a low water use machine similar to front loads only enough water enters machine to get clothes soaking wet water is recirculated through tube on back right corner of tub to insure clothes are soaked if pressure switch determines minum water level not reached it will add more

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your inlet filter is most likely plugged.
take of your hoses from the machine and clear the filters in the machine inlet ports.
If this does not help your inlet valves are broken.
But most likely the filters is the good bet
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