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Darkened band about 1 inch wide down the left side of the screen.
The complete image is there, but just darkened in that band.
Since the optics are rotated, I suspect that something has slipped down between the lamp and the imaging surface. I removed the lamp, but could see nothing from the (limited) view offered.
The set is nearly two years old and the problem only showed up in the last few weeks so I'll do some searching for take-apart instructions and parts availability.Thanks for the prompt response.
The set is nearly two years old and the problem only showed up in the last few weeks so I'll do some searching for take-apart instructions and parts availability.
Hi there i have the same problem with a Samsung SP46L6HX
the band on mine is approx 2 inches wide on the left of the screen the only thing is if i tap the screen on the left it sometimes goes away but when turned off and back on its back to its usual self just wondering if something has fallen inside???
help please its driving me crazy!!!Hi there i have the same problem with a Samsung SP46L6HX
the band on mine is approx 2 inches wide on the left of the screen the only thing is if i tap the screen on the left it sometimes goes away but when turned off and back on its back to its usual self just wondering if something has fallen inside???
its a light gray i can still see the picter thur it also
do i need a new lamp ???
hl-r5067 is my model numbermine is about 2 inches on the left side also
its a light gray i can still see the picter thur it also
do i need a new lamp ???
hl-r5067 is my model number
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Thanks for the prompt response.
The set is nearly two years old and the problem only showed up in the last few weeks so I'll do some searching for take-apart instructions and parts availability.
Hi there i have the same problem with a Samsung SP46L6HX
the band on mine is approx 2 inches wide on the left of the screen the only thing is if i tap the screen on the left it sometimes goes away but when turned off and back on its back to its usual self just wondering if something has fallen inside???
help please its driving me crazy!!!
mine is about 2 inches on the left side also
its a light gray i can still see the picter thur it also
do i need a new lamp ???
hl-r5067 is my model number