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Anonymous Posted on Jul 26, 2007

Thin horizonal line in middle on dark screen

I now have a thin horizonal line in middle of the TV on dark screen. It started out with sever lines running across the top of the screen then finally the screen went black except for the thin line in the middle. I think it may have something to do with a Son who was constantly hooking and unhooking video games, dvd player, and the cable jack from the tv. The cable (coaxil) jack has become loose. Could this be the problem? can it be fixed cheaply? I only gave around $200 for the TV and it is now out of warranty so unless I can do it myself or really cheaply I would not fix it. Any idea's THANKS! Cathead

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  • Posted on Jul 27, 2007
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The several thin white lines at the top of the screen is the warning that the vertical output IC is not getting the boost voltage it needs to run correctly. The IC cannot operate for long like that and shorts out inside, which is when the vertical collapses altogether and you get the thin white line through the center of the screen. The good news for your son is that he had nothing to do with that, and it has nothing to do with the cable F connector. The set needs to be serviced by an experienced tech who will restore the boost supply and replace the vertical output IC, and when I do that I charge $75 but techs in your area will vary, so be sure to ask around.

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