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Brian Ison Posted on Jul 26, 2007

I have had this unit for about a year and today one of the dvd players will not work.

The right side dvd player spins but will not play. It even continues to spin after you open the unit to take the disk out. Also spins when the is no disk in it. Anyone have an idea?

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Dvd not spinning properly

I had the exact same problem.

There was a bad batch of spindle motors (why they didn't use brushless is any body's guess). I replaced mine and it is quite easy. I even soldered in the single-DVD player's (same basic model number, just not multi-disk) motor because I couldn't find the right part for the multi-disk model (or the single was cheaper, I forget). That was years ago and it still works great today (I didn't like the lack of features on a cheap replacement player).

Won't play DVDs.

I put in a dvd and get the "disc error" message. This magnavox dvd player is less than a year old.

Wrong disk

I looked at everybody's ideas, and none of the ideas seemed to fit my situation. My DVD player has been working fine for one month. I got a new DVD today in the mail. It froze, and then began to display the WRONG DISK message. Then, nothing would play on the player, All of the DVDs that had worked fine before, now would not play. They all said WRONG DISK. I tried reaching under and trying to clean the laser lens, but that did not fix the problem. I am not saying that this will fix your problem, but this is what fixed mine.

1. Place the DVD player on a table

2. Plug in the DVD player.

3.Push the OPEN button so that the DVD platter extends outside of the player (It now looks like it does when it is ready for you to put a DVD in it to play it.)

4. Unplug the DVD player. (Now the power is off, and the platter is still extended.

5. Remove the cover of the DVD player being careful not to damage the extended platter.

NOTE: With the platter extended, looking slightly from the rear, under where the DVD is spun, you will be able to see the Laser lens. It will be covered by the mechanism that spins the DVD. The lens will be connected to a mechanism that that has two rails on either side.

6. Grasp the plastic surrounding of the laser lens area and pull the entire mechanism toward the rear of the DVD player.

CAREFUL: DO NOT YANK THE MECHANISM BACKWARDS as this will break off the laser unit. This mechanism is being moved with the resistance of many gears. PULL SLOWLY AND FIRMLY, and the entire mechanism will move on the rails until the laser unit is clearly visible to you and completely from under the spinning mechanism.

7. Since the lens was clearly visible now, and easily accessable, I carefully and lightly cleaned the lens with a Qtip and alcohol.

8. Replace the cover on the DVD player

9. Place a DVD on the platter.

10. Plug in the DVD player

You will find that you no longer get the WRONG DISK message and your DVDs will now play properly. As I said, just reaching under and cleaning the laser lens did not seem to fix the problem. It was only when I moved the entire laser unit from under the spinning mechanism, and forced the DVD player to realign itself when it powered on, did the DVDs begin to play again.

Player won't load any discs

I don't have a solution at this time. I have the same DVD player and mine stopped working this past weekend. It is doing the same thing as yours. I opened the case and loaded a disc and watched the mechanism. The disc won't spin. if you tap the disc it will start spinning and load and start playing. I thought I had fully fixed it. It will load most times but now the video and audio stutters as if the discs is spinning at varying rates.

Polaroid pdm-0732 wont read dvd

I just solved my issue. My 2 year old son set the AV switch on the side of the player to 'in'. I switched it to 'out' and now it works fine.

Picture upsidedown

This has happened on my player, I think I closed the lid and then switched a switch on the side or front that is related to screen orientation either up or down and wide or full screen. Then I reopened the player and it was right side up. Hope this helps.

DVD player

Its posibal your dvd not rogins the informations is tiping of dvd

After trying to read a disc it says cannot read

I had the exact same problem - I bought this DVD player TODAY at a garage sale for 5 bucks, they said it wouldn't read the disc, so I looked it up and found this thread. I did what that other person did, in that I had a DVD loaded into the player, then I took the top off. The DVD worked perfectly! I actually didn't even have to touch anything inside. I then put the top back on, making sure not to tighten the screws too hard. I think what it was is that this is a very slim unit, and there really isn't much room for the motor to spin the DVD, especially if there is even a 1 millimeter bend in the casing - it prevents the DVD from spinning around. I would reccomend never putting anything on top of this DVD player.

Multiple vertical colored lines on DVD player screen

check this out http://www.techlore.com/forum/thread/12629/
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