GE AJCH10DCB Thru-Wall/Window Air Conditioner Logo
James Nyberg Posted on Jul 26, 2007
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Troubleshooting Hey there I do maint for an apt company so im in charge of like 500 ac units. These are older units most anyway some are even so old they have the old brush coils in them. What i am wondering is would there happen to be a trouble shooting book or anything that would help me in trouble shooting these units faster and get it right the 1st time? thanks

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  • Posted on Jul 26, 2007
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They are a simple ac unit to repair but if you have a model number I would try a appliance parts store or call GE and see if they have one

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The UT number for this generator is UT-03559. The problem is like yours can't find anything online in the line parts or owners manuals for this unit. You may try
They were listing this number. doesn't mean they have anything on it but might be worth a try.

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A good rule of thumb in the AC business says you need 1 ton (12000 btu) of Air conditioning for every 600 sq feet (if the house is well insulated) - if not - then you will need 1 ton (12000 btu) for every 400 sq feet.
So, if you have 900 sq feet and the house is well insulated you should have at least a 15000 btu unit.
If it's not well insulated you will need 24,000 btu.

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To clarify, what company did you purchase or lease the mfp from?

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Thru wall/ Window ac units

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