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Matthew Maser Posted on Jul 23, 2007

Picture no sound on Tv

I was playing a game on my PS3 when the picture just went. I can turn on the TV and have sound but there is no picture. I was thinkng it might be over heating so I turned it off and set a fan up behind it to blow some cool air onto it. I have left it off for over 20 min, just turned it on and still have sound but no picture

  • Anonymous Jun 14, 2008

    Picture goes blank,no sound about 30 seconds later comes back on ,and continues to do this all day


2 Answers



You should go to video settings make sure its on the right setting(HDMI,COMPONET,AVI). Then go & see if its on the right Rez.480i is for the white,yellwo,red(AVI). Anything 480p to 1080p use HDMI or Componet cable blue,green,red,white,red. Thatt should be the last thig after you set the audio the pic. should work.


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  • Posted on Jul 24, 2007
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Have you ensured that all of the appropriate cables are plugged in tightly? is there a "Reset" button on your tv look through the manual to see if you can reset it to the manufactures default settings if you still have no joy I would claim against your insurance or warranty. Genius2k4


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Had the same problem. With mine the other day you probably moved your Playstation 3 too another tv and set your 1080i,720,480 to high deaf on settings in Playstation. You have to change them back to automatic that TV says HDTV but it only plays Playstation 3 on 480 checked in settings of Playstation. Played mine for 4 years on that TV moved and got a 3d wifi then dad got him one And was going to trash that RCA but I told him I would take it for now too keep from buying another TV at this time got it in my new home wouldn't play video but it. would sound tried different cables but still now change. But remembered i changed all of my settings over when I got 3D TV. Playstation 3 hadn't been on know other TV. Since I owned it but that RCA now won't work then came to me last night and playing it on both TVs but you have to change the settings on it before moving it or you cant see the screen to fix it do that guarantee it will fix it. Like you said everything else works PS 1,PS 2,DVD, cable,but PS 3 won't its the settings in theme,and audio.

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green sounds like a TV problem if persists with other games could be TV but im kinda thinking it is ingame settings occasionally updates can reset picture settings in the game i think for black ops it had some kind of adjust brightness until you can't see this object in background and sometimes it helps to go back and check that only other explanation would be you went to different resolution ex: 480, 720(hi def), 1080(highest high def)

My picture started flickering the other night while playing a game. Then I went to turn it on today and I can't get a picture, there is still sound however. Thinking maybe a video card problem or something...

Its sounds like a video cord problem, if you are hooked up by the yellow red and white cords to your TV, adjust them until the picture returns, its a VERY common problem on EVERY TV and console since the SNES. Could also be the plug on the back of the PS3 if you just play with the cords your problem should resolve.

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I sugest you to change the video resolution settings on the PS-3 to see if TV sets to any one resolution...if you have any other video out (analog from PS3)...connect the out to TV and check video at different resolutions. If PS3 has Deep Color settings turn it OFF.


I have a toshiba tv that when i hook my ps3 up from hdmi im getting sound but no picture

simple, just keep finger on the on button of ps3 for 5 seconds which will reset and a picture will appear that will accept the new picture settings.

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In order to provide the proper solution to this, I need to know how this unit is connected to the TV. Also, when using the PS3 in game mode, do you get both picture and sound? What is the make and model of the TV involved here?

There are a number of reasons for the loss of picture. I will assume that you have selected the correct video input and video type. But for confirmation, please provide those details as well. Once you update this, I will try to give you an explanation and potential solutions.


What is broken my hdmi cable,ps3 unit or the hdtv?

I would suggest this (you haven't said what kind of tv you have). I have a 37 in vizio, and a 25 vizio flatscreen HD tv. I had my PS3 hooked up using HDMI first time I tried it I got the little pixels you were talking do this. Sounds stupid but it helped me. The HDMI cable where it plugs into the tv plug and unplug a couple times (three times worked for me. Do the same at the PS3 side of the cable. You want to do this with both of the machines off. Also make sure you have the PS3 configured appropriately for your TV settings...There is a way you can auto setup the screen and sound by shutting the PS3 off and holding your finger on the power button for like 5-10 seconds (it will beep twice) then let your finger off the power button.

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when u connect ps3 to your tv turn on main switch now red led will come on press and hold touch button ps3 will come on keep your finger on the button and ps3 will turn off again factory settings are now reloaded this will work because i often change from standard v to hd tv
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