Problems with Veo Connect Personal Web Camera. I have the CD/software but it is not compatible with Windows Vista. Is there online any link that I can download the compatible or updated driver? Thanks
I have the same problem i have a veo webcam 333vb32xo and it doesnt seem to be working with vista and was wondering where to go to get an updated driver for it to work with windows vista.
I lost the drivers cd for my web cam, veo 640vs24x
1st You download Webcam Driver.
Driver for Veo Personal Web Camera
After this install the Webcam driver in the system.
Installation of Webcam Driver
Go to the control panel
Click on the System Icon
Click on the Hardware Tab
Click on the Device Manager s
Select the Unknown Device or printer device where yellow Question Marks sign on it.
Right click on it and uninstall it.
After this go to the top of the device manager and click on scan for hardware changes.
Driver installation Wizard start.
Brows Your Driver from the Hard Disk and click on next.
Driver will be install.
Veo Camera Drivers for Windows XP Vista Windows 7
Well I have had lotsa problems with USB webcams and Vista ... However there is a driver called "Look123" it is on the windows site that windows "install new hardware" uses when trying to install via "add/remove hardware" or "Update Drivers" . Otherwise simply Google "Veo Connect Personal Web Camera vista drivers download" (without the quote marks) DL and Install, & Ya should be good to go.
Usually answered in minutes!
Yes I have the same problem, my veo won't work w/ my new cp (window vista). I looked for a driver to make it compatible, but there were none. So will you please let me know if one becomes available. My e-mail address is ([email protected]) Thank you,, Kaddie
i need the drivers for VEO CONNECT PERSONAL WEB CAMERA , can someone help me please.
I also have a veo connect web camera and it is not able to have the software read by the windows vista programme that is installed on my new laptop.I have tried to get into the properties to change the setting to windows xp sp2 but vista won't let me enter.Is there anyone out there have any solutions or even an email address for the veo company /or their correct web site url.
I look for to any replies/help
so, are there drivers for this camera or not?
I have a mac lap top. the software is not compatible with the mac. i have the camera..i would like to use it. i have a veo connect. and this is what it says on the cd-rom
and bundled software(for windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP)
(copyright 2003 Veo)
what should i do? is there anyway i could download the software from off of the web to make it work? can veo connect web cams work with my mac? am i better off buying a new one for mac?
thank you for you time....
help -me.
i have lost my 640vs24x cd, now i want to install the software for use of my webcam