Is there an unlock code for error mesage E000000-0000. Machine locks on start up with the above code and message to restart or call for service/repair. Help please.
These guys have the service manual for (sorry couldn't find a free one) $7.99; In this it details how to get into the service mode, when you should get a list of other error codes. The most likely is an E 411, which usually indicates the problem is with the document feeder tray/it's sensors, but see what you get. Please post back with what error details you get, and we can hopefully help if the service manual is not clear on the solution. The E0000000000etc message just means that there is an error considered too difficult for us consumers to deal with. Hopefully not. Hope this helps - waiting for your info :)
Usually answered in minutes!
Tech came out since I could not make enough ehadway with the service manual. OVerheated, blew fuses in the machine. Your advice excellent.
Dr. Gorman