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Claire Shaw Posted on Jul 18, 2007
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Fuji S3500 I have this camera for about 12 months and I have noticed when taking pictures that you it takes ages if people use my camera most of the pictures come back blurred - this has also happened to me. Someone has said that it could be to do with the shutter speed now me being me I dont have a clue what this is or whot to change it. Can anyone help please?

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  • Posted on Jul 19, 2007
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Read your manual Claire. Blurred images can be caused by many things non of which you have indicated here so far. Make sure the setting is set to auto so that camera decide what shutter speed/aperture to make. Make sure you do not have it set to Macro mode. Here are a couple of suggestions But above all take the time to familiarize your self with it. And don't let friends use it - tell them to get their own .Friends drop other people cameras and then say sorry but don't offer to pay for the replacement.

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Its fairly easily fixed and its a common problem with the F30. The shutter button contact slides off upon impact when dropped, it must be re-aligned so that it makes proper contact and performs normally. All that is needed is the special screw driver for the F30 (easily purchased online, just google it: "screw driver for fuji f30" ) or bring it to your local watch/jewelry repair store and tell them to open it up for you.

We have two F30's and they both have been dropped, both did the same thing with the shutter button. But both were easily fixed. Always keep the camera in a safe place and away from kids, they are very sensitive devices. Use the wrist cord when taking photos.

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Use your photo editting software to reduce the size of your pictures.

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Try formatting the xd card. The f20 has enough internel memory for a few pix, if the card is not working it uses internal memory. Also look for the number of pictures remaining if this is low the card is not working.

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Try taking it apart, and letting the pieces dry oput, or take it to a reputable camera shop, and see if the can replace one of the boards that might have short circuited, otherwise it looks like you need a new camera :( Sorry.  

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That S3500 is a defective product,get in contac to them idiots at Fuji. My S3500 was rarely used and it stopped working suddenly.

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The problem is with either the flash unit, or the flash transformer. Unfortunately the only way to fix this, is to take it to a service center.


Fuji finepix S3500 Camera

Check your manual- Some models have a separate 'button' battery for date/time functions- there are quite long lived and are on all the time. If the manual does not reveal - seek out the Technical Support at Fuji

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This is a sign of age. A loose connector perhaps on the screen. If it still taking good pictures then live with it. You could try a repair shop- but the likely cost will be well on the way to its replacements price I would think.

Fuji f700

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