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When I hook up my MP3 player to the computer, the Sansa says it's connected but the computer doesn't read it at all. You can hear the sound it makes when something connects to the computer though, but I can't find the driver in My Computer and Windows Media Player doesn't detect the device. Please help, it was working before :(
Oh, and when I connect the player I don't get the little icon on the taskbar to eject the driver.
It means your player is in Autodetect/MTP. For your computer to recognize the device you should have windows xp with windows media player 10 or 11 / windows vista with windows media player 11. If your computer is in MSC then you will have there a safely remove icon, because your player act like a thumb drive.
Note: You said it was working before on that computer try using a different usb port and uninstalling reinstalling your windows media player software. Hope this helps :D
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