GE GBS22HCP Bottom Freezer Refrigerator Logo
Paul Hardbarger Posted on Jul 14, 2007

Explorer Gas Refrigerator

I have a Explorer gas fridge that the temp will only get down to about 40 degress....was wondering if anyone knew what was up with this? It surely isn't the norm. It was given to me and is only a few (maybe 5 to 8) years old. Any suggestions would be appreciated...Thanks :0)

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Open the burner orifice up just a little , and i mean only a little, very little !



I have a 12 cubic foot explorer and have found that if the burner is not keep clean the effiency will go down. I also found that adjusting the flame to the lowest temp does not keep the fridge the coldest. Adjust the flame until you get an even blue flame with minimal yellow in it.You make the adjustment with the temp control.Also clean the chimney, I use a gun cleaning kit. Thanks Dennis


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Check temp setting. Freezer temp is -14*f to 8*F and Fridge temp is 36*F to 46*F
As per your statement seems to be chock in thew system. Check for whistling sound in freezer. If not check gas pressure by keeping arm in condenser coil. If warm, gas is o.k. but chock is confirmed.
Remove all gas, flush out system. Vacuum and do gas charging. Thanks.

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I use a Dometic RM2193 in my pop-up camper. Can anyone tell me what temperature differential I should be able to acheive on 120VAC, propane and 12VDC? On 120VAC I was getting about a 40 degree fairenheit...

Usually from the Bottom of the refrigerator you should have minimum of 43f or colder than ambient. Should work very close to same on both gas and 110, on Dc it may not cool as good. From your description you may have an issue with ventilation. Cold air needs to flow in through the lower vent and out through the upper, if it cant, cooling efficiency is lost. Adding a fan kit can help on hot days. On gas you may have particles that fell down in the burner. Just take the cover off, take the burner screw out and blow down into burner to clean out. compressor or canned air works fine. If cleaning the burner doesn't improve it enough on gas to match electric you have to make sure your regulator on your rv has enough pressure... the fridges require 11 inches of water column.

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This is worth a try. Disconect the gas and power make sure the pilot light is out. Turn the fidge unside down overnight then unright again. Try it on gas agian. This worth a couple of goes before giving up.

Freezer temp is wear fridge shoud be.fridge temp 55 degress.

Check the fan in back which cools the compressor . Also check the coils to make sure they are clean of dust , lint , etc...

Thermo King Super II SR BM#092170 will not lower its temperature... With temperature set at 40 degress... will not go lower than 50 degrees. Coil temperature is 68 degress.

try to clean gas cooler (it is radiator outside),unplug it from power (wall) then clean it with brush up-down (not left-right),wait 1hour and turn on
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