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leah stahl Posted on Jul 12, 2007
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Reprogram my Embroidery Card

My embroidery card isn't working. I would like to know how I can reprogram it because it is programmable.

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  • Expert 84 Answers
  • Posted on Aug 02, 2007
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Joined: Jul 31, 2007

Hi leahcarmen....please update your post with your machines complete Name and Model Number in it's entirety, and try to provide detailed specific's of your card and/or machine issues and I may be able to help you more precisely and efficiently.

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Related Questions:


Does the husqvarna scandavania viking 300 have internal embroidery stitches, like letters/alphabet, and numbers? Or do I have to find a cartridge/embroidery card that has them in order to do embroidery? I...

No, the Scandavania 300 doesn't have embroidery stitches built in. Embroidery patterns come on a memory card; the card reader is on the side of the machine above the power switch. The machine originally came with a card with 25 "sampler" patterns. There are only 20 pre-programmed stitches, including a blanket stitch/hand-look applique stitch. See page 32 the manual,$FILE/Scandinavia300_manual_EN.pdf , for the list of included stitches. See page 20 for setting up for embroidery.

If you don't have that memory card, some may be available on E-bay. However, you'll need to check that the card is compatible with the Scandavania 300. Most of the cards I've seen on E-bay are programmable ones that require a separate reader/writer that connects to your computer. Many of the writers are not supported for newer versions of the Windows OS; the drivers weren't updated.

I hope this helps.

Cindy Wells

Can I use Bernina Embroidery Cards with my Janome MC9500

Getting That Embroidery Design To Your Janome ...
Aug 21, 2010 - The designs will then be recognized by your embroidery machine, and you will spend more .... you can use either jef or jef+ for your 11000se .... like to know what brand,size and card reader to purchase for my Janome MC 9500. ...... Bernina · Elna · Embroidery · General · Janome · Necchi · Quilting · Sewing ...

Janome MC9500 100 Stitch Sewing 5.5x8" Embroidery ...
Janome MC9500 5.5x7.8" Embroidery .jef Format Replaces Memory Craft MC9000 ... to creative quilting and clothing construction, your sewing projects will go ... designcards) or Compact Flash Memory Cards (as used in digital cameras). ... My set screen controls for contrast, In./Cm. designation, and other customization

Which format does my machine use? -

With embroidery card inserted into module, no motifs appear on the display screen.

Here are two other possibilities other than electrical problems with your Bernina. There are embroidery design cards that were made for the 200 & 730 that simply do not work in a 180. There is nothing marked on the card or the packaging that will tell you what model machine the card will work in. I sold a bunch of my design cards on eBay last winter and I tested all of them in both a 730 and a 180 before making the ad discription. I found that most of the design cards worked in the 180 & 730, but there were a few that only worked in the 730. So if your design card is one of those that won't work in a 180, that could be your problem.
You did not say if you have other design cards that do work or there is only one you tried. Possibly the card itself is bad.
A static shock to the card could possibly damage it.
So if you take your machine to a dealer to have it looked at, take your design card along.
The 180's memory for storing designs is located in the embroidery module, not the machine itself. If that memory is filled up with other designs this can cause a problem.
So your problem is most likely with the design card or with the embroidery module. Should you need to get another embroidery module, that module needs to be the same version number as your machine or it will not work. I have a. video posted on YouTube that shows you how to check the version number of your machine and module. That information is in my "Bernina check hours 165, 170, 180, 185" video. Put that in the YouTube search box and you will find my video. Plus I have other helpful Bernina videos posted.

Hello, I am hoping you can help me with this. I have recently installed 3D Professional (ver. running with Vista. Everything runs, with no apparent issues at this time. I had to get a parallel...

I dont believe the parallel reader writer will work with Vista. You need to purchase a Husqvarna USB reader writer and problem will be solved.
Good Luck

My 512 programmable card has malfunctioned. Where

I ended up upgrading my designing software and it came with a new programmable card that is a different color. The old programmable cards don't work with the new program so... unless you buy a used card, you may be forking out for the new software...arrrgghhh, I hated doing it, but now I can use my machine!

Baby Lock Embroidery Sewing Machine "ELLURE" Model ESL- Problem: Defective Embroidery Memory Card (part#35205-4) used with the "PTS BOX" and the Palette Ver 1.0 Software Program to transfer embroidery...

I had the same problem and after buying a new card, found out that you get that message if the pattern you are trying to transfer is too big. reduce the size of the pattern and see if that works

Viking#1+ Embroidery Card into programmable card

you cannot convert a #'d embrodiery card collection to areadable/writeable card. If it has like #2 or #3 etc. on it, it's a read only card.

Instruction Manual

Have a look at this website, if your machine is not listed email them and they will help track a manual down, it's not free but what is these days.

Husqvarna 1+ programmable card

To the second poster with the malfunctioning "card" - do you mean the insert panel/card (overlay) with "E" on it? If so then there is no programmable feature to it. The overlay has notches in the left edge that presses a pattern of leaf switches on the left behind the case and it uses internal designs in memory. If on the other hand you mean that little memory card that you can use with the reader/writer and goes with the "0" (zero) card/overlay then you can get them from a Husq-Viking dealer, or keep an eye on used ones on ebay.

Most dealers sell the "programmable" as a "0" (zero) card set where you get the zero cassette/panel/overlay and the little programmable embroidery card as a set. Most reader-writer sets, either the older parallel port type or the newer 3D/4D USB one will come with one many times. You need to check the dealers and see what they have to offer. The programmable embroidery card is still rather pricey. I'm looking into whether there is some generic type memory card that might work too but have yet to find one and may not since the HV programmable card is likely proprietary since it goes back to the early 90's.
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