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Jane Foltz Posted on Jul 10, 2007

Bottom (bobbin) thread suddenly loosens

Sewing a straight seam will be going well until the bottom thread suddenly becomes very loose and loopy. The top thread is completely fine. The only clue that this is happening is the spool "jumping" instead of unwinding silently and consistently. I suspect a bobbin problem...I rewound the bobbin, but it happened again resulting in more seams needing to be ripped out. Any ideas about what is happening with my bobbin?

  • 3 more comments 
  • Anonymous Jan 30, 2008

    Have tried putting the bobbin in facing every direction there is, and it still does the same thing. Was thinking it might have something to do with bobbin tension. Any ideas?

  • Anonymous Apr 08, 2008

    I can't seem to get the bobbin inserted the correct way because I too am getting irregular stitches and no stitches at all. I cannot find my manual, so I don't know the correct way to put the bobbin in. Can you please explain or illustrate it?

  • HeadWench Jul 01, 2008

    Same problem! Have already taken my Pfaff Hobby machine to a repair shop who did a good cleaning and said it was in good repair - Got it home and it began right away again *sigh*

  • Anonymous Nov 01, 2008

    My sewing machine is only 2 days old!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was sewing perfectly, and out of no where it started looping, and i mean big loops, from the bobbin thread. I hadn't changed a thing. What could possibly be wrong.

  • Anonymous Mar 12, 2014

    The bottom thread from the bobbin comes out all messed up in the seam.


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  • Posted on Jun 13, 2008
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Good morning,

A few steps to help you troubleshoot:

  1. Bobbin in the right direction: when looking at the bobbin in the bobbin case, pull the thread tail. The bobbin should turn clockwise.

  2. One of the biggest causes of what you describe is simply a burr/rough spot on the needleplate or hook.

    Remove the needleplate from your machine and inspect the opening for any rough spots... run your finger over the area to feel for any sharp bits. If you discover some rough spots, they can be smoothed using a fine emery cloth. Use this gently - don't want to distort needle opening, just smooth the roughness.

    If no rough spots on needleplate, open the bobbin cover and turn the handwheel towards you until the hook (little pointy part of bobbin area) is towards the bottom of the machine. Run your finger over the point to feel for any rough spots. Again - a fine emery cloth can smooth this. Be VERY careful to not flatten the hook - just a little smoothing to get rid of rough bits. Too much can ruin the hook. If you're uncomfortable with this, don't hesitate to take to your Pfaff tech and point out the rough bits.

  3. Hold the bobbin case/bobbin between finger/thumb, making sure you're not pressing on the bobbin tension (little flat metal piece on side of case). Pull the thread smoothly out of the bobbin case to see if you feel any little glitches. If you do, there may be a bit of fuzz/broken thread trapped under the bobbin tension.

    You can loosen the large setscrew on the side of the case to allow you to blow out whatever may be trapped.

  4. While your top thread may appear fine, there may be a bit of fuzz or broken thread wrapped around the take-up lever. This would interfere with the smooth feeding of the upper thread, also causing an inconsistency in the bobbin.

    Use a flashlight and look down into the top of the machine/takeup lever area. You may be able to see a bit of thread and remove it. If you can't see an offending bit, try "Flossing" your upper thread path by grasping the thread close to the spool and after it comes out of the needle. Run the thread back and forth through the thread path to see if you can dislodge anything

  5. If none of the above help, we'd suggest you have your local Pfaff authorized tech take a look. It's always a good idea to take your machine to it's respective authorized service person as they'll be the ones to know the most about it and have access to any repair parts.
Please don't hesitate to respond if you need further help or clarification.

Happy sewing,
Kim & Linnette

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