My son was playing with my phone and put the setting in korean language cant seem to set it in the english setting please HELP
SOURCE: changeing phone language settings
I'm not too sure with the interface of your phone, the MANUAL that came with the box contains the interface of the menu step by step. You can use it to 100% guide you through changing the language back to English. Let me know how it goes. I'm here to help.
SOURCE: changeing phone language settings
go to setting<phonesetting<languagesett< phone language english
Usually answered in minutes!
i cant see the lanuage settings its new its writing language is arabic i cant change it in english.,,.
My friend was playing with my phone and now my phone is in Spanish. I have no clue what anything says... Please help I am a teen with texting I need my phone to work.
my phone is in spanish and i dont know how to get it off!!! Help!!! please and soon...
i want to put my kindle fire language to english
set the language to korean now cant get back
In Korean language - need to get back to English
Anonymous My husband was being smart and tried to fix my phone now its in some other language help