Sony FD Trinitron WEGA KV-32FS120 32" TV Logo
Lori Wells Posted on Jul 06, 2007
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No picture and tv automatically turns off

When you turn the tv on you get a dark screen with lines running through it and after a few seconds the tv just turns off. You can't adjust anything or see a picture at all. The standby light blinks the entire time but it isn't just one number. Sometimes it blinks 4 times sometimes 6.

  • 3 more comments 
  • babita Nov 01, 2007

    no picture 4 blinks

  • Anonymous Nov 16, 2007

    tv comes on and turns back off by its self

  • PeteBarber Feb 19, 2008

    After 20 mins of use from cold my television automatically changes up to the next channel and continues to do this approximately every 5 seconds

  • Anonymous May 15, 2008

    when i turn the sony tv on the picture comes on for 3 seconds then goes black, but i have sound , and the light blinks

  • Anonymous Feb 25, 2009

    I have a sony 50sx100u it turns on and off by itself,while screen goes black the fan still runs and the red light flashes continually? Any ideas guys,cheers g.c


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Here are the blink codes. Two blinks - B+ over current protection (OCP), unit goes to the standby mode then displays the 2 blink fault. Could be a short in the power supply of any of the circuits. Three blinks - B+ over voltage protection (OVP), unit goes to the standby mode then displays the 3 blink fault. This is also a problem in the power supply circuit, check T603 and R672. Four blinks - No vertical Deflection (V STOP), Screen goes to a single horizontal line then the video signal muted. Check IC1509, Q1505 Five blinks - AKB circuit (automatic kine bias), the timer/standby indicator blinks for about 30 seconds then goes to the self-diagnosis function. Something is wrong with the video. Check video out, Q705, 732, 761 and other components on the Cboard, also check Q218, 219, 220 on the A board. In addition, unit could be in IK blanking, try turning up screen slightly. Six blinks - No Horizontal (H STOP), no raster, goes to the blinking self-diagnosis function immediately. Check C515 & 516 and the jungle IC, IC206. Seven blinks - High voltage shutdown. The high voltage has exceeded 33k and the unit goes immediately into safety shutdown. Check power supply regulation and horizontal circuits. Eight blinks - Problem with the audio (AUDIO), unit goes to standby and blinks the self-diagnosis code. Check IC406 audio amp, PS401, and 402. On some newer models of Sony TV sets, this code means that T8005 is defective on the D board. Nine blinks - Replace D 6116 and D 6301 on the "G" board, do not resolder as this will fix the problem temporary. Or Panel Module Error or Thermal Error. If it is intermittent 9 blinks, meaning sometimes the TV comes on and other times you get flashing, then change the switching regulator on the "G" board or check connections. Make sure the regulator is -12 or -13 (negitive). Ten blinks - Check Q8014 and Q8013 for shorts, leakage, or bad solder connections on the " D" board. If the transistors are bad, check R8051 and IC8005, also on the "D" board. Intermittent problems? This is a great feature. You can also bring up these fault codes on-screen to see a list of the problem numbers with the abbreviation of the problem and the number of times this problem has occurred. This is slightly different than entering the service mode. To see the diagnostic screen, press the following buttons: Display, Channel, 5, volume Minus, ( not plus ) then Power. This brings up a screen with a list of the problems and number of times they have occurred. Each of the problems named, are abbreviated as, "OCP", "OVP", "V STOP", ETC. We have repeated them in parentheses in the text for the "Blinks" described above so you can correlate between the diagnostic screen and the blink codes. Now that you know about these self-diagnostics, how do you use them? Say that you have a set with a black screen. You see that the LED is blinking four times. This would tell you that you have no vertical sweep, which is why the video is muted. If it was blinking 6 times, you would know that you have a horizontal fault. It's not a sure cure..



Ok with the 6 blinks what does that mean?
and how does a rboke man go about fixing that himself
i know computers and electronics but not TV'S its there for me to relax not get mad


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Check the input connections. If Ariel connection, or other video input connection from any external source have loose contact, or wire broken, this type of interference can occur to picture.
Gopakumar Gopalan Google

TV turns on then off no picture

this is very common. it is the power supply going bad. it should run at 130 volts dc. but it is now running much lower that this. just enought for the tv to come on. but not enough to power all the circuits right.

Picture went out and red light on the front by power button is blinking. When I turn TV on I can hear sound but no picture,, then TV turns off automatically after a few seconds.

It seems problem with low screen voltage to three picture tubes in this rear projection tv.
If standby light blinks 5 times after three seconds long pause then adjust screen volts of each picture tube to solve this issue.
Screen volt adjustment requires expertise and job of professional so please call local tv repairman to help you.

Picture suddenly turned dark

hi the picture tube of ur tv has got damaged and it badly needs a replacement.. so its better to replace ur picture tube..

thank u rate me!!

Sansui Projection TV - RCA D52W23 52 in., Problem is tv gets turn off automatically after few minutes. It doesnot off but a blue screen with lines appears immd.., it takes long time get the picture on...

CK for Bad capacitors cp114,120,150 if any of them is puffed up on top it is bad so replace all 3 cp150 is 2200uf 16v other two are 220uf 35v also resolder all pinns on FBT flyback transfomer.

LG DU-42PX12X Plasma, picture startes flashing then goes black after a few minutes

You need to get this tv service asap.i beleive that the problem is in the inverter board or yb board.

good luck

[email protected]

No picture and tv automatically turns off

Good day.

You are getting an intermittent performance for your unit. One reason for this might be with the loose contacts on the high voltage section of your unit. Have it resoldered.



Dark screen/picture.

This 30" flat screen TV set may have a problem in the high voltage circuit of the TV set. You may be able to adjust this by taking off the back of the TV set. Look for the block where the large red wire runs up to the top of the picture tube. On this block will be two controls. one will say screen and one will say focus. Try and slowly turn the control that says screen or S on it clockwise and see if you can make the picture brighter. Turn up the control till you just start to see faint lines in the picture, then back the control down till the lines go away. If the picture does not come up when you turn this up, and all you get is a blank screen, you will need to have this set repaired by a qualified repair person. Good Luck

TV turns on then off no picture

I was watching my tv and it just automatically turn off, everytime since then i turn it on it goes off in seconds without picture or sound comes.
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