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jennifer chromy Posted on Jul 05, 2007

Evenflo front facing car seat

How do i adjust the harness straps.

1 Answer



To adjust the height of the hanress you will need to turn the seat around and locate two metal, rectangular plates. These plates are attached to the harness straps and should attached with plastic tabs. you will need to remove the plate in order to change the harness height. To do so, you may need a screwdriver to loosen the tab enough to release the plate. When removed, feed the plates back through the front of the seat through the predetermined slots. Reroute the plates through the appropriate holes in the seat that best fit your child.

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The PortAbout 5 was last manufactured in 2005, making it very likely the seat has expired. Contact Evenflo (800-233-5921, www.evenflo.com) about the expiration date and reattaching the visor (if the seat has not expired). Please DO NOT use an expired seat!
Manufacturer states that, when installing this rear facing only restraint in an outboard seating position, there should be at least 1.5" of space between the restraint, including the handle, and the
back of the front seat.
Do not remove the harness strap from the adjuster. If the harness is ever mistakenly removed, Evenflo will send a new harness with adjuster.

-- Marc

Making car seat harness larger for child/evenflow discovery 5

You can download this PDF instructional manual for the Evenflo Discovery car seat: https://www.google.co.il/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&ved=0CHUQFjAH&url=https%3A%2F%2Fplweb.evenflo.com%2FShowDocument.aspx%3FManualID%3D583&ei=A8UtUbW5AY_Z4QSCjoDoCA&usg=AFQjCNFj1O1EuRQVLmKwgOLTJsL6yoeOTQ&bvm=bv.42965579,d.bGE
You can also read this article on how to adjust the harness straps on an Evenflo car carrier: http://www.ehow.com/how_6391052_adjust-evenflo-car-carrier-straps.html
Aug 03, 2012 • Baby Gear

Adjusting harness (make it large enough) on discovery 5 evenflow

You can download this PDF instructional manual for the Evenflo Discovery car seat: https://www.google.co.il/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&ved=0CHUQFjAH&url=https%3A%2F%2Fplweb.evenflo.com%2FShowDocument.aspx%3FManualID%3D583&ei=A8UtUbW5AY_Z4QSCjoDoCA&usg=AFQjCNFj1O1EuRQVLmKwgOLTJsL6yoeOTQ&bvm=bv.42965579,d.bGE
You can also read this article on how to adjust the harness straps on an Evenflo car carrier: http://www.ehow.com/how_6391052_adjust-evenflo-car-carrier-straps.html

How do you remove the cover and belts on an evenflo car seat with this number on the side 25801158?

Turn the booster seat around to the back and locate the metal splitter plate that the harness is attached to. Remove both harness straps from the splitter plate. Locate the TensionRight knob located on each side of the seat in the front by the baby’s foot area. Turn the TensionRight knob to the back as far as it will go to take up the slack on the splitter plate strap. Pull both harness straps through the seat back to the front of the seat. Remove the harness strap from both sides of the chest clip and from the buckle tongues. NOTE: Please leave the buckle tongues locked into the **** strap for storage. Remove the harness strap from the seat. NOTE: Reattach the chest clip to the harness strap so they don’t get lost. Turn the booster seat upside down and locate the metal harness anchor. Turn the metal anchor sideways and push it through the slot to the front of the seat.

How to loosen the straps on envenflo tribute carseat?

This is about all I could find for you. Hope it helps.
Had one - its a huge pain in the **** and I always busted my fingernails doing it. The metal clips have to slide over the bumps to get them out. I hated that thing. May I make a suggestion? Return it. lol . I'm figuring you got a combo seat - Evenflo Generations, Bolero, Chase, that is a forward facing only seat to 40lbs, or a convertible seat like Evenflo Tribute that is forward facing to 40lbs. Since I don't know her age its hard to make a suggestion, but for just a little more money (we paid $79 for our Chase) you could get a much better seat. If she needs a convertible that will rear face, get the Evenflo Triumph for $150 or less, The Evenflo Triumph Advance (not the original Triumph, make sure it says Advance) is a great seat. $150 version at Babies R Us has padding similar to Britax seats, top slots of 17", harnesses to 35lbs rear facing, and 50lbs forward facing. $120 Walmart version just has little less plush padding. Wide open belt path, easy to install, though it doesn't have built in lockoffs. The harness adjusts at the front of the car seat, you don't have to take the car seat out of the car just to raise/lower the straps. It's one of only 2 seats that does this (The Britax Boulevard is the other, I believE), and it has infinite harness adjustment so the harness always fits perfectly until its outgrown. No more tugging straps to tighten them either. You tighten and loosen the harness using knobs on the side of the seat. As a major bonus, it can be used in a recline position even in forward facing mode. Awesome for kids who still sleep in the car. I LOVE THIS SEAT! LOL My son, who is too big for every other car seat at Walmart has the same amount of room in this as the Britax Marathon.

If she is forward facing (over 30lbs and over 2years old) then a Graco Nautilus would be a lot easier to use and install, $150. Harnesses to 65lbs and then becomes a booster, will be the last seat you have to buy her. Metal reinforced.

Combo seats are usually a major waste of money, as they only harness to 40lbs, no more than most convertible car seats, so you're really not getting any more use out them then the convertible seat.

Evenflo aura travel system

I hope this information helps:

1) There are harness anchors (metal clips) located on the bottom of the seat. Push these up through the slot to the front of the seat on both sides. To do this, you will need to pull them toward you, and then turn the anchors to fit through the slots.

2) You should be able to remove the bottoms of the straps at this point. Remove them, then pull the tops of the straps through the slots. (You will need to remove the buckles during this process.)

3) Slide the straps through the slot you need for the correct harness height.

4) Replace the buckles in the correct positions.

5) Replace the bottoms of the straps into the harness anchors.

6) Push the harness anchors through the padding and back into the bottom of the seat. Clip into place.

Missing Instruction Manual

https://plweb.evenflo.com/faq_detail.aspx?faqid=4407 the above link is for the manual but here are the instructions. If you have two plastic harness adjusters located on the back of your seat please follow the following steps: On the very bottom of your car seat locate two metal anchors one on each side of the seat, pull the metal anchors out of position and turn them sideways and feed them through to the front of the seat. Release the buckle tongues and chest clip and pull the harness straps to the back of the seat while pushing the chest clips, buckle tongues and harness anchors through to the back of the car seat. NOTE: You may find it easier by pulling down the seat pad when feeding the straps through. All pieces will fit through the harness slots. Choose the appropriate slots for the new harness position. Push the harness anchors, harness straps, buckle tongues and chest clips back through to the front of the seat. Once the straps are completely pulled back through to the front of the seat, make sure the straps are not twisted by clipping the chest clip together and buckling the buckle tongues, then feed the metal anchors through to the bottom of the seat and clip anchors back into place. ********************************************************************* If you have an adjustment strap that is located in between the child?s foot area that allows you to loosen and tighten the straps please follow the following steps: Loosen the harness straps by pressing the harness release button that is located between the child?s legs near the feet area; while pulling on the harness straps from the front of the car seat near the shoulder area. Turn the car seat around and from the back side of the seat follow the straps down to the metal splitter plate, remove the ends of both straps from the metal splitter plate. Once the straps are removed, pull both harness straps completely through to the front of the seat. Choose the appropriate slots for the new harness position and feed both straps through from the front of the seat to the back of the seat. Making sure straps are not twisted; hook each end of the straps back onto the metal splitter plate. Tighten the harness straps by pulling the adjustment strap located on the front the car seat between the child?s legs. NOTE: Final adjustment of If you have an adjustment strap that is located in between the child?s foot area that allows you to loosen and tighten the straps please follow the following steps: Loosen the harness straps by pressing the harness release button that is located between the child?s legs near the feet area; while pulling on the harness straps from the front of the car seat near the shoulder area. Turn the car seat around and from the back side of the seat follow the straps down to the metal splitter plate, remove the ends of both straps from the metal splitter plate. Once the straps are removed, pull both harness straps completely through to the front of the seat. Choose the appropriate slots for the new harness position and feed both straps through from the front of the seat to the back of the seat. Making sure straps are not twisted; hook each end of the straps back onto the metal splitter plate. Tighten the harness straps by pulling the adjustment strap located on the front the car seat between the child?s legs. NOTE: Final adjustment of the harness straps must be completed with the baby in the child restraint.

Infant Rear facing car seat


Shoulder straps

You can contact EvenFlo directly, they will be happy to help you out: http://www.evenflo.com/ Evenflo ParentLink Department: 1-800-233-5921
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