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Rodney CHB Posted on Jul 04, 2007


I opened my ps2 to clena and blow out dust and put it back together, but when i put it back together the power wouldn't come back on at all, wut should i do?

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  • Contributor 1 Answer
  • Posted on Jul 05, 2007
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Joined: Jul 04, 2007

Hi, I think what probaly happened was when you were cleaning it you pulled out a wire or cable. When you clean you have to be careful, you should always go onto a website check how it is done. The best thing to do is to take it to someone who can repair for you.(It does not cost much) Hope it works again.

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My ps2 freezes after about 5 mins

Most likely caused from dust under the DVD Deck. This requires that you open your console and blow the dust out ( DO NOT USE A VACUUM Tiny parts can be sucked up that will render it completely useless). After you have done this and put it back together again clean the laser as dust will have collected on it from when you blow out the dust. If you do all this and it is still doing the same thing it just could be a case of the poor old PS2 is wearing out.

When my daughter turns on her system it goes to a "Browser / System Configuration" screen and we don't know what to do?


Is it stuck at this screen? If so, try shutting down the PS2, then remove the power cord for 5 minutes. Plug the power cord back in and turn the system on.

Also, if the PS2 is having trouble reading the disk it will do this. You can try another disk because maybe the one you are using is scratched up. The system may have to much dust and dirt inside causing disk read problems. Try a can of compressed air and see if you can blow some of the dust out from inside the disk drive!


Need to clean my ps2

To Clean you PS2 Here are the steps

1. Unscrew you PS2 bye the top

2. Get a duster air can to spray off the dust. (make sure you don't spray to much they might have gas in them.)

3. Take a two sided Q tip or one sided doesn't matter and dip the cotton sides into rubbing alcohol and careful clean of the lens do not scratch it or you ruin your PS2.

4. Take all peices that you might have moved and put the exactly in place.

5. Put cover on.

6. Screw the screws back in (P.S. do not use a electric powered screw driver use a hand held one.)

7. Turn on and test it if it has problems like heating up dust out the fan on the back.

8. Enjoy. <(^ . ^)>

And, if you have a small PS2 even thought they are junk just dust out the fan open the part that you put the disc in and dust arond the lens and inside and then just clean the lens with the Q tip and alcohol.



hi there there are loads of videos on you tube that shows you how to put this back together make sure you look up the right ps2 ie ps2 or ps2 slim they both open and come apart completely different
hope this helps ya a little

Trouble shooting of motherboard

Hi thayal, systems shut down because of over heating. This is normal so nothing burns up. Try opening the case & clean the CPU fan. Remove any & all dust from the fan blades. Use a clean non used paint brush to help loosen any dust build up. Than blow the entire system out with canned air. Blow out the power supply as well. When finished put the case back together & see if the system shuts down.



Fix ps2 disc game and go faster to load.

its a ps2 problem open the ps2 up if its a big ps2 not a mini and dust it the dust is making it harder for your ps2 to read disks open it dust it and itll be like barnd new if its a small ps2 i dont know dusting the thing always help dust with somthing small a cotton ball or ear swab will work

Ps2 trouble loading

Hi DanDancooke,

I believe your PS2 is extremely dirty and full of dust and lint. It needs to be opened up and cleaned out throughly.

I hope your in the right posting area, this is for the Phat PS2 consoles with the drawer that comes out to put the CD in. Procedure is different for Slim PS2.
  1. Disconnect power and turn the case upside down.
  2. Remove the screw covers to expose the case screws. These are little square pieces or square rubber pads. You can use a thin knife blade to pry the hard plastic squares up.
  3. Remove all the screws.
  4. Remove the Warranty sticker to the right edge of the power socket.
  5. Turn the PS2 over to set it right side up.
  6. lift the top cover from the back and pull it forward slightly to clear the CD tray. Be careful of a possibly Ribbon cable attached to the lid going to the Reset/Eject buttons. Roll the cover over to the right leaving the ribbon intact.
  7. Remove the CD tray lid.
  8. Polish the Laser lens, and remove any lint or hair from the CD area. Use Alcohol and cotton swabs to clean the laser lens. By the way, Alcohol will damage a PS2 Slim lens. All lens are not created equally.
  9. Hook up the power and A/v Cables.
  10. Remove the little white disc from the CD tray lid.
  11. Place a Disc on the spindle, and cap the disc with the little white piece that you removed from the CD tray cover.
  12. Boot up the PS2 and test it, Continue cleaning until you get it to work.
  13. Put it back together, and you’re in business.
If you have trouble you can send your PS2 to a Repair shop. Click on "Repair Directory" at the bottom of this screen. then choose "Video Game Consoles". Then you pick a Good Repair shop. My shop is listed, but I cannot divulge the name in this forum. Cost will be $25 plus shipping. Shipping is usually $8.95 to the USA

Won't read disc.

Hi Crashley41 and Von281,

Since you have the bid Phat mode; you will have better luck at fixing your PS2.
This is for the Phat PS2 consoles with the drawer that comes out to put the CD in. Procedure is different for Slim PS2.
  1. Disconnect power and turn the case upside down.
  2. Remove the screw covers to expose the case screws. These are little square pieces or square rubber pads. You can use a thin knife blade to pry the hard plastic squares up.
  3. Remove all the screws.
  4. Remove the Warranty sticker to the right edge of the power socket.
  5. Turn the PS2 over to set it right side up.
  6. lift the top cover from the back and pull it forward slightly to clear the CD tray. Be careful of a possibly Ribbon cable attached to the lid going to the Reset/Eject buttons. Roll the cover over to the right leaving the ribbon intact.
  7. Remove the CD tray lid.
  8. Polish the Laser lens, and remove any lint or hair from the CD area. Use Alcohol and cotton swabs to clean the laser lens. By the way, Alcohol will damage a PS2 Slim lens. All lens are not created equally.
  9. Hook up the power and A/v Cables.
  10. Remove the little white disc from the CD tray lid.
  11. Place a Disc on the spindle, and cap the disc with the little white piece that you removed from the CD tray cover.
  12. Boot up the PS2 and test it, Continue cleaning until you get it to work.
  13. Put it back together, and you’re in business.
If you still have trouble reading discs. Click on " Repair Directory" at the bottom of this screen. Then on the next page click on "Video Game Consoles". Pick a Repair shop to get your PS2 repaired. Fixya has some good ones dedicated to Playstations.

Ps2 not working

He forgot to plug up the power cord inside.

PS2 Read Error

I hope your in the right posting area, this is for the Phat PS2 consoles with the drawer that comes out to put the CD in. Procedure is different for Slim PS2.
  1. Disconnect power and turn the case upside down.
  2. Remove the screw covers to expose the case screws. These are little square pieces or square rubber pads. You can use a thin knife blade to pry the hard plastic squares up.
  3. Remove all the screws.
  4. REmove the Warranty sticker to the right edge of the power socket.
  5. Turn the PS2 over to set it right side up.
  6. lift the top cover from the back and pull it forward slightly to clear the CD tray. Be careful of a possibly Ribbon cable attached to the lid going to the REset/Eject buttons. Roll the cover over to the right leaving the ribbon intact.
  7. Remove the Cd tray lid.
  8. Polish the Laser lens, and remove any lint or hair from the Cd area. Use Alcohol and cotton swabs to clean the laser lens. By the way, Alcohol will damage a PS2 Slim lens. All lens are not created equally.
  9. Hook up the power and A/v Cables.
  10. REmove the little white disc from the Cd tray lid.
  11. Place a Disc on the spindle, and cap the disc with the little white piece that you removed from the CD tray cover.
  12. Boot up the PS2 and test it, Continue cleaning until you get it to work.
  13. Put it back together, and your in business.
If you have trouble you can send your PS2 to the Playstation Clinic for Repair. Contact [email protected]
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