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Josefina Con Posted on Jul 03, 2007

My tablet looks like it's working but it's not

I just got a new tablet (i've own one before) I installed it, and i got no problems with it, but, even thou the led is working and it changes from blue to green when clicking, the pointer doesn't move, it just does nothing! i don't know if there's a problem with the prev. tablet's drive (it was a graphire3) but i really want to know if there's anything i can do.

  • bubaandme May 15, 2008

    Hi I have a similar problem with the pen but the LED doesn't change colour at all. I have a Bamboo Fun on Vista. Also it works in the tutorial and a little bit with Vectorworks but not anywhere else.

    Do you think it could be a driver clash with another programme?


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  • Posted on Jul 31, 2007
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Joined: Jul 28, 2007

It's likely that the drivers are getting mixed up on the computer. If the New one works with a different computer, you have yourself a driver clash. In that case the best thing to do is to uninstall the graphire 3 driver from your computer and download and install the latest driver for your tablet from the wacom site.

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Thank you for the Video, this made it much easier for me to determine the problem. You are correct, you have WiFi, this is not the problem, the problem is with the Tablet's WiFi Service which is freezing, thus not causing you to access WiFi.

Have you installed any new software lately? Something has broken the WiFi software on your Tablet. If you installed a new App recently, remove it to see if that new App broke your WiFi software on your Tablet. If you have not installed anything new on the Tablet maybe the manufacture downloaded an update that broke the WiFi on the Tablet. If you recently received an Software update from the manufature, let perform a Factory Resetr on the tablet to fix the issue.

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well you can download it directly from samsung's website, you do need to know your model number (usually on the back) and the version of windows you are using. when you go to the site, click on get support and then downloads. your tablet will be listed under laptop with the subheading ultra mobile PC. then put in your model number and you will get a huge list of downloads for your device. just make sure to download the correct file for your version of windows.

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You need to find out what Co. made the touchscreen for that model to see if they have updated touchscreen drivers for windows 8.
Sounds like your machine was intended for XP,
Good luck!

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well i have the same issue, but i can install apps, this what i did and every time i did it worked...
after the factory reset (if u did already is not necessary do it again) open the apps that u have preload, like you tube, kobo, droid reader, after that go to sam market and if theres an updtae say yes, now u can install apps, but this solution is only temporal cuz the tablet install the apps in the reserve of the internal memory (aparentlly has 2, the 2gb or 4gb depends on the model, and other one 512mb) but u say that u find an app that can help u u just need it install it, so please share the name of the app...

sorry for the bad spelling english is not my native lenguage

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If you need further help, reach me via phone at https://www.6ya.com/expert/david_eb7ea98642566cc6


It doesn´t start up. Maybe mother board problem...

Best bet may be to look for a second Laptop for spare parts use boteh to fix one and then sell the remaining spare parts.

Or sell yours for spare parts and you buy a new one.


Acer Tablet C300 Series - Cursor moving to Left

I?ve had a couple of Dells laptops do this and without fail the cause was flaky touchpad/mouse drivers. I would suggest going to the Acer website downloading the latest drivers for your mouse. If that fails try removing the driver and running with the Windows default drivers, that what I?ve been doing successfully on my company laptops for several years now. Acer driver download page, the web site is really slow so be prepared for a long wait. The closest match was the C300 so I?m assuming these are generic drivers for the 300 series. Use the pull down menus and select the following: -Select Product Line = Notebook -To the right of that select TravelMate C300 (way at the bottom) -Make sure English is selected and click on the search button. Once the drivers page opens go down towards the bottom and load for TM C300 touchpad drivers Let us know if you have any other questions and please don?t forget to rate this posting.
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