If you still need this board, you can purchase it here: http://www.vancebaldwin.com/products/?BP94-00230A Part number is BP94-00230A It looks like they have a third party one for about $135, and a Samsung brand for substantially more.
If you can solder, yes this is not a hrd fix my friend. Inside this set, standing up, will be two square black IC's up against a large metal piece called a heat sink. These two convergence amp IC's need to be replaced. They are called STK-392-040. You can get the parts from here: http://www.partstore.com/PartSearch.aspx?PartNumber=STK-392-040&x=12&y=13 Do not forget though to get heatsink compound to install on the backs of the new IC's before you replace them. If you do not have the skill to solder and unsolder, see if a friend can assist you who does, like I said you can buy everything you need for less the 100 bucks. one more bit of advice. You do not want to order any cheap 10.00 replacemnet IC's as they are generic and do not meat the manufacturers specs. Buy only good quility parts or you will be in the same boat in a few months. Good Luck
Why did you say it did not help, I cannot jump through the internet and wave my magic wand and fix your TV set. You will need to do what I said or have a repair person do it for you. It simply will not fix itself.
The convergence IC's have to be replaced Good Luck
You will need to replace the convergence board, no ifs and's or but's
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