NEC-Mitsubishi Nec Display Solutions DiamondPoint V71LCD 17" Flat Panel LCD Monitor Logo

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Anonymous Posted on Jun 27, 2007

DiamondPoint V71LCD Not displaying image

When the Monitor is 1st powered on or turned on the image comes up for about 2-3 seconds then goes blank. after a few seconds more I see it darken very slightly, as if the back light is turning off. At this point pressing any of the front buttons other than power will not do anything. If I disconnect the video in cable a display comes up, also fro about 3 seconds, says Video Input No Signal. pushing any of the front buttons at this point brings up the same box for about 3 seconds. I looked to see if the image was on, but without the backlight, but I don't see any image. Do you have any suggestions?

  • Anonymous Jun 27, 2007

    You are right there is a faint image, but why is the light coming on when turned on? Even if I turn it off then imediately turn it back on the light comes on for about 2 seconds.


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The LCD screen may be burned out. There's whats called an invertor board and there is an electronic ribbon strip on the LCD itself. If you look very carefully you can probably see a faint image on the screen. The LCD screen will need replacing. Before doing anything with this monitor, try it on another computer first and if you can try another monitor on your computer. Other than that, there really is nothing you can do but replace the monitor.

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Px42XR3A, NEC monitor lost picture of any type after showing a series of color bands from all sources. No other set in the house is affected and the sound through the receiver is just fine.


The picture board on your monitor is bad, since the power or button is on and sound and other things are fine, it means the picture board of your monitor has developed fault.

The best thing for you to do now is to take the monitor to a local repairer within your vicinity or any service center to help with the replacement of the picture board because the fault is not something you can fix yourself, in order not to complicate issues.

Take care.


I just bought a used Mitsubishi-NEC V71LCD monitor. After connecting the power cord, and the video cord, I powered the monitor up. It had a video display for about two seconds, and then went black. I reset...

dhowie, Monitor will need work done to internal "switch-mode-power-supply"/"CCFL inverter supply board. possible bad electrolytic filter capacitors or thermally intermittant component soldering on printed citcuit board. Your CCFL back-lit LCD display no different than any other brand in it's basic design and operation. Spend an hour in my fixya profile reading about black screen and blank n black screen stuff. Then you will know what you will do or not do to solve V71LCD problem. Follow the links to other sites for more info here on fixya and elsewhere. I will check for response from you at this same posting later.

I have a NEC LCD 1760V and the resolution notifier keeps popping up. How do I eliminate this problem. It keeps telling me to exit.

insert the AGP card in the AGP slot in install the drivers the problem will be definatly solved the card should be of 8X grade

Image displayed for 2 seconds after powering monitor on

The problem could be the CCFL lamp, especially if the image has a pink hue.
Check LCD Parts for service, parts and DIY info. use this link :-

Blank HP w1907

If the power light does not turn color and stay's green on startup, it is not a power problem. It is most likely the inverter. If the unit is in warranty, send it out ASAP. Contact HP customer care by email and have the issue logged in.
If in warranty, they will send you a box by FedX second day and have repaired.
This is a 19" monitor and will not be worth paying for repairs if not in warranty.

Screen goes blank after a few seconds

Hi ,
The monitor flicker problem. The monitor when turn on will display image for couple of second then turn black. The monitor status led is still green. This will happen each time it is turn on. The symptom at appear to come from the inverter board.

The sreen is black, and the monitor light is orange

This usually indicates an input problem. There are number of things to check:

Make sure the screen is plugged into a working output on the video card - if you can, test the video with a different screen.

Try a different cable; Swap for the same type of cable, or, if available, use a different output method(Such as HDMI).

If using an adapter on the cable, try using a different adapter.

Test the cable on a different display, if possible.

Ultimately, if the video card, cable, and connector are all working, or the display is still not, its likely a bad input board within the display - if you're savvy and have some time to kill, replacement boards cost between 20-70 bucks on ebay.

Monitor displays breifly then goes to blank screen

The power -inverter board probably needs an overhaul.
I redo many of these.
If the screen was pinkish or flickering before it finally got to this point, it is possible that a bulb has gone bad.

Resolution notifier v71lcd

go into the on screen menu, select the tools menu and you can turn the resolution notifier off.
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