Sony VAIO VGN-SZ460N/C Notebook Logo

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dheerendra mishra Posted on Jun 25, 2007
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Fter power switch put on it show blank screen and no sound only battery and power indicator is on but hard drive indicator is off. does that is a cause or some hardware problem?

Hi after initial start up suddenly my laptop got hung. then again it started and i ve uninstall one game from it and while unistalling i ve deleted one .dll file. and after that after power switch put on it show blank screen and no sound only battery and power indicator is on but hard drive indicator is off. does that is a cause or some hardware problem?

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  • Posted on Jun 25, 2007
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It's possibly a hardware problem but you should make sure it isn't a software problem by putting in your system restore cd and restoring the DLL that you deleted, it could be an important system file. If it is a hardware problem, the first thing to try is taking out your memory and sticking it back in place, make sure it's clean and put it in there tight.

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Msi laptop

Pull out the hard drive and see if it boots, then plug the hard drive in with the machine on. Follow any messages that appear.

I have a Dell XPS M170 Laptop. The screen went totally blank in the middle of an application. Now on reboot nothing comes up. The led lights won't light up the and screen remains blank. The power light...

Take out your ram sticks and put them back in. Also disconnect your hard drive and reconnect it. Then restart. If this doesnt help you may have a blown power supply.

My hp laptop dv6305us screen is blank power light is on but screen is totally blank.

The DV6000 series of notebooks are known to have problematic motherboards. Try the below options:

1) Hold the power button down for 5 second and the machine should shutdown. Then power on again.


2) Flip the laptop over and switch the "lock" switch to "unlock". Then flip the release button to remove the battery for a few seconds. Put the battery back in and try to power the laptop on.


3) Power on the notebook like normal. Watch the Hard Drive activity light (the one that looks like 3 stacked plates), if the screen is blank and the activity light is solid or flashing, you know that the LCD screen is bad and needs to be replaced. If that light is not flashing then the problem is your motherboard and it needs to be replaced. Call HP and ask them if your model was part of a DV6000 series recall, if so your repair costs might be covered.



I was using it and turned it off and i came and turn it on and hp logo didnt appear on the screen it was only the lights and blank background please help my sisters laptop and i took it without...

well. be sure the power is plugged in

then pull the battery out of the laptop

press the power button down

look at the little lights indicating power on .. battery charging and hard drive activity

if the power light comes on..

then the screen is the problem

if the hard drive comes on after say 10 seconds

it is definitely the screen

put the battery back in.. be sure it is in solid

put the power pack in the wall

if the battery charge light comes on

then the power is to the laptop and battery connections are good

so the laptop may have overheated...

wait five minutes

try to power it on again

if the fan does not power on...

it has a bad fan...

quietly set it where ya got it from then

HP Pavillion dv6700 - black screen

Do the following without the battery inserted.

Let the computer sit with no battery for 24 hours. Do not put the battery in at all. Try using your original memory stick ONLY, with no hard drive and see if it will POST. If it does, insert the hard drive and try again. Could be the new memory...

Another thing you can try is reseating the processor. Turn the ZIF screw, take the processor out (WATCH THE PINS!!) and put back in GENTLY. Leave the memory in the computer, hard drive removed, try to power on.

These models have been known for bad motherboards. Contact HP and arrange to send it in. If you do enough digging on HPs website, you'll find the service advisory.

-Dell & HP Certified Technician

HP dv6000 screen is blank

Video chip failure on the main board join the hundreds with the same problem need a new mother \Board and it may still happen again to that one

Acer aspire 3000

Could be a bad memory chip or a hard drive crash. Can you hear the hard drive engage? If so, is there any clicking or dull thunking sounds? Both of these are indicators of a hard drive failure.

Dead pc

try to remove all external device connected to your computer. just leave the keyboad, mouse and monitor connected.
restart computer.
if still a blank screen
remove everything connected to your computer (mouse kyeboard and monitor) restart if nothing happens
open your computer and remove all devices (hard drive, optical drives, memory... restart,,, you should be hearing beeping sounds indicating motherboard is looking for memory. try putting back 1 memory at a time and checking all mem slot. to identify if one of the memory could be causing the blank screen. if both memory will not work try to use known good working memory. if you dont get to hear the beeping sound using a known good working memory. your memory is the problem.
give me more info

No screen and no sound power and battery indicator is on but hard drive indicator is off

Unplug the power adapter and take the battery out. After a minute, plug them back in and push the power button.
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