Casio EXILIM ZOOM EX-Z60 Digital Camera Logo

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Graeme Griffiths Posted on Jun 24, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Pictures taken during the day come out VERY bright, even white

In the last few days all pictures I?ve taken during the day look massively over exposed to the extent that some are just a picture of pure white. Pictures indoors in the evening look OK but not to the usual standard - you can see some faint lines on evening pictures if you zoom in after it is taken. The video function appears unaffected. There is no incident recently that I think could have caused this (no drops or water involved...). I have updated my Firmware to 1.01 and it doesn't seem to have helped.

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Im having the same problem with those faint lines.


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  • Posted on Jun 24, 2007
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Might be worth flicking through all the settings menus for a few minutes - look in particular to see if you've got it out of Auto into Manual Exposure, or if somebody has accidentally selected a "brighten everything up by a couple of stops" mode. A.


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Pictures taken inside a house are showing stripes of pixels. Pictures taken out side are almost wite.

I think you need to check your white balance and exposure settings - it sounds as if everything is massively over-exposed.

When pictures are taken outside during the day they are unclear with some white horizontal lines and when taken indoors its ok.tried everything the manual said but still no changes

White shadow or white lines may occur if the light was too bright when you take the picture, especially in strong sun light. Have you turn off the flash light when you taking those picture ? If you haven't, then you should try to turn off your camera flash light manually. And I must remind you not to take a picture with your lens faced the sun light or other light (lamp etc) directly. Even if you take a picture outdoors, try to make your lens shaded by something, you can even use your own shadow to shade them.

Hope this help and be kind to rate please.
Jan 08, 2011 • Cameras

White screen appear of pictures taken


Call Canon for FREE REPAIRS it is a known issue ask them about BAD CCD see this link for service advisory




Day Light Pictures looks over exposed

A stuck shutter is another common failure mode for digital cameras. The symptoms of a stuck or "sticky" shutter are very similar to CCD image sensor failure. The camera may take black pictures (for shutter stuck closed), or the pictures may be very bright and overexposed, especially when taken outdoors (for shutter stuck open).

To confirm a stuck shutter, put the camera in any mode other than "Auto", and turn the flash OFF (you don't want to blind yourself for the next step). Next look down the lens and take a picture. You should see a tiny flicker in the center of the lens as the shutter opens and closes. If no movement is seen, then you likely have a stuck shutter. If so, please see the following for further info and a simple fix that may help:

For your camera (the A460) it's not possible to set the shutter to 15 seconds. Instead, set it to manual mode, turn off the flash, go to a darkened room, take the picture and open the door while the red and yellow light are flashing. Repeat until the shutter becomes unstuck. However, I must say that the chances are probably not very good to fix this with this method. And unfortunately professional repair will be too costly. If repeated tries do not work, it might be time to consider a new camera.

I cano not take outdoor pictures its all white

shutter is sticking so it over exposes photos . will need shutter or lens assembly replaced. it will have banding stripes in low light and white in bright light.

Bought this product on 28/03-08 at bangalore.all snaps taken out-doors becomes too whitish and not able to see anything, the lcd screen on review shows no snap..but white over exposed result even at...

make sure your ISO setting is set to Auto. Even in auto mode its possible to set your ISO manually. If the ISO is set to auto and the pictures are still to bright, your sensor may be bad. Also make sure your exposure compensation is set to 0.

Casio exilim EX-S500 overexpose

i have the same exact problem with mine. it's two and a half years old as well. i also noticed that if you try taking pictures in any of the best shot modes the pictures come out looking like paintings.

also, did you ever try cleaning the lens?
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