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I had to restart my computer and after i did that my computer recongized my mp3 but my musicmatch and realplayer didn't recongize it. I don't have the cd it came with when I bought it so what do I do?
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Try connecting the device to a different USB port, preferably at the back of the computer, if it is a desktop. Otherwise, try updating the USB drivers, if you know how to go about doing that. Restarting the computer with the device plugged in also MIGHT fix the problem. Good luck ;)
Need some more information.
Did the computer ever recognize the MP3?
What program are you using to tranfer music(Windows Player, Yahoo Music.....)?
When you connect the MP3 player do you see it if you go into your computer hard drive screen?
I can help! The mp3 player's are only built by standard specifications and they are only built to work with 2gb sd cards at the max. so i suggest using the 2gb sd card or buying an mp3 with more memory space.