RCA P60921 60" Rear Projection Television Logo
James Lowe Posted on Jun 22, 2007

No power with remote or manual power switch

Step i took replace blown 5amp 125v main fuse,tv power on but have bow at the top and bottom of screen,the picture image and quality of color is poor. image on screen is 2 dimentonal and red in color. took your advise and took set to a tv repair shop tech stated the convergence power supply board need replacing and this may not solve the problem!would cost 600.00 to replace the convergence supply board. caught in the middle i not sure paying 600.00 to replace the supply board and it may not solve the problem is fiscalable.need second opinion.

2 Answers



Replace the Sanyo I.C. Chip on the convergence power supply board. Cost you about $5.00. You are getting stiffed for $600. It is not necessary to replace the whole board. Fact is they just repair/recycle the boards anyway. It's a racket. Any good TV Technician should do it for $100 and still make a killing. You can buy the part here.




Your convergence module is probably bad. It is a plug in module, so labor would be lower if the convergence settings are still good. The bill would be about $300.00 If not, the labor for convergence would add to the bill. If the whole job needed full convergence the cost would be about $500 to $600. Hope this helps, Lee http://www.CrazyComputers.com


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