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Anonymous Posted on Jun 22, 2007

Treo 600 This guy has two problems, one old and one new. Old problem: I bought this used on ebay and was told there was no sound. Which is true, there is no sound - except when I put it on or take it off the charger. Why does it only work for the charger? I am pretty sure someone has been inside it because it sure looks like a big (dirty) thumbprint on the top half of the inside of the screen. That is not the problem, just a weird thing, which may have something to do with the absence of sound... The more recent problem just started. I was reading an ebook a few days ago and two pixels turned yellow. I did a soft reset and they were still there. Later, I powered the Treo off for a while and when I turned it back on, there were more yellowed out pixels. Now it looks like a bird, at least 20 pixels are bright yellow, almost right in the center of the screen. Does anybody have any idea if this is a permanent problem? I can hotsync, then do a hard reset if I think it's going to help, but am wondering if I would be wasting my time. TIA if you can help me, especially with pixel advice. Roxanne

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The problem with the screen pixels turning permanently yellow happened when the touchscreen have had a continuous pressure on it (destroying the licuid cristal display pixels; there is no repair other than touchscreen replacement. Regards, Mauricio [email protected]

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