Having a bit of trouble transfering certain track files via usb or cd to a desktop hard drive. The transfered files are saving and opening as wavs, but with no audio information. This is occuring mostly with tracks involving direct ins/outs. Does this happen a lot?
The initial software for the 2488 had a bug that would not transfer tracks that had punched in audio correctly. The file would transfer with missing audio. This was corrected in a software update. The work around was to rerecord any tracks with punched in audio to a new track then export.
Once this is corrected on a machine normal transfers and exports can be used. WAV files can be exported but have to be copied to the FAT partition on the 2488 then USB to a computer for inport to a DAW.
The FAT partition comes up as a USB drive. Realize that there are several ways to backup and or export your songs,files or tracks depending on your need. IE edit in Protools, move songs to another machine etc.
hope this helps
I do this all of the time without a problem. I have noticed when sending files to some of my friends though that they sometimes (depending on what they are using for playback or editing) are unable to open files I've exported as 24 bit wav. You might want to try exporting as 16 bit to see if this works.
In reading and working with the unit, I have learned that the file transfer is for backup only. If you want to manipulate the file they have to be transferred individually via your sound card or an interface.
Plug the external hard drive into your laptop or desktop computer.
Most external hard drives do this through a cable connecting the hard drive to the USB outlet on a computer.
Plug your external hard drive into a wall outlet if it receives power from an AC adapter rather than your computer.
Click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop, and open the external hard drive.
It will be located under the USB connecting drive, which is labeled with a letter ranging from "E:" to "K:".
Open the folder on your external hard drive where you would like to save the photographs.
usually in my documents my pictures or if you want to save them to a specific spot so as not get them mixed up.
Create a folder if one is not present right click in my documents select new folder and name it lets say my pics 1
Move this window to the bottom right corner of your screen to be used in future steps.
Open the folder on your home computer where the files are being stored that you wish to transfer to the external hard drive.
These may be on the desktop, in "My Documents" or elsewhere in your computer.
If you are unsure where they are located, you can always search for them by file name by going to "Start" then "Search."
Right-click on the photo file, and select "Cut."
Click on the window showing your hard drive files to bring it into use on the screen.
Right-click on the white space in the window where you would like to transfer the files, and select "Paste."
Your files have now been deleted from their original location and transferred to your external hard drive in the folder you selected
hope this helps
Usually answered in minutes!