GE WSXH208A Front Load Washer Logo
nino brown Posted on Jun 20, 2007
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Washer does not wash or spin

The washer is a year old. last two nights my clothes came out with an odor and couldn't figure out why. I decided to was them again at a higher temperature and happen to be around to notice the timer counting down but nothing was happening, other than the washer filling up and releasing the water but not spinning. tried different cycles nothing work. took out the load nothing worked. Put it on rinse and spin and it would only work if i keep pressing the start and pause button. The belt seems to be fine. did a rinse and spin nothing happen, press stop and start and it worked. Did it again nothing. Cant get it to work on any other cycles with any load in. Any suggestions?

  • nino brown Jun 22, 2007

    Hmm, Interesting. Ok now I move the machine away from the wall at an angle, did three loads fine. Do you still think the module is bad.


  • Anonymous Mar 27, 2014

    Occasionally, maybe once or twice every month, when I press the START/PAUSE button to begin filling the tub (at the start of a session) nothing happens. I then hold the same button down for 3 to 5 seconds and SOMETIMES it then fills, but a lot of times still NOTHING happens. When this happens, I try holding the button down for several seconds again (to try to reset the machine), and STILL nothing happens. I pill the power cord for a few minutes, and go through the process again. The machine has NEVER started filling right after plugging it in again, but after several more tries of rotating the Cycle Selector and START/Pause buttons, it will eventually "heal" itself. Today I thought it finally died for good (it is 5 years old, has done this for at least 3 years, especially if you try to use a Delicate Cycle), but after about 10 minutes of doing all the above, it started filling. I'm assuming there is a controller issue, and also assume that is a repiar that would cost enough to make me conside buying a new machine. Any suggestions are appreciated.


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Luis Amado

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  • Posted on Jun 20, 2007
Luis Amado
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The electronic module who drives the motor its the problem . you can order and replace find part at go by brand and model let me know if you need more help thanks

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