Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 160 GB Hard Drive Logo

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Michael Davids Posted on Jun 16, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Hard disk reflecting incorrect storage space

Dudes.. i have no clue when it come to computers. My hard drive is meant to be 160 gb thingy.. right? but it only reflect and allows me to use 111 gb... a mate told me that there is always a small protion of your hard drive that you cant use - 40 gb doesnt sound that small... also got some random advice concerning f disc and partioning...can any help me get hold of the other 40 gb.. Thanks.

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  • Contributor 18 Answers
  • Posted on Jun 17, 2007
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It depends that what operating system are you using. if its winxp you can use the rest of hard drive by computer management tool in control panel. there are limitations of each O/S good luck


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  • Expert 247 Answers
  • Posted on Jun 17, 2007
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Think this is down to your BIOS, or possibly your operating system, not being new enough to recognise hard drives that big. At every stage of the development of computers, there has been some theoretical limit on how much hard drive space the system can address - and this limit has invariably been set with a total lack of insight into how quickly drive sizes were going to grow. Have a serious look at the paperwork that came with the drive (also downloadable from the Maxtor website) - and follow the instructions to get access to all the drive. This may involve either a patch to the OS, or setting things up using a piece of software they provide called Maxblast. Go at it carefully - make sure you don't accidentally delete everything you've got on the other 111 GB - and make sure you have a decent backup before you start. A.


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My HDDR500E03A 500 GB is only showing 3.98 GB on total memory, what happened to the rest?

The 3.98 GB you are seeing is probably your total RAM memory and not the storage capacity of the hard drive. RAM memory is completely unrelated to the hard drive capacities.

Double click on the MY COMPUTER icon.

You should then see all the disks and drives that are currently connected to your computer. Your USB hard drive should be one of the drives listed there.

Right click on each of them and select PROPERTIES from the menu shown. This will show you the storage capacity of each drive including how much space is used and how much is free (empty).

Good luck.

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Are you trying to install a new hard drive for new storage space or are you trying to move a hard drive with files on it that you intend to keep?

New drive with no files:
Right click my computer and select manage, choose "disk management" in the left pane, see if there is a drive listed with "unallocated space", if so, partition the drive, format it, and windows will assign it a drive letter.

Drive with files to keep:
Upon starting your computer, enter the BIOS or "setup" (usually by pressing f2, tab, escape, or some other key...but it should tell you what key to press), make sure the drive is detected in the system bios (make sure the SATA port that the drive is plugged into is turned ON) . Make sure the drive is plugged into power as well as data. Try a known good SATA cable.

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Drive only reports 56gb to partition - missing 100gb! How do I access the remaining space?

Click Start
Right-mouse click "My Computer".
Click "Manage".
Expand the "Storage" part of the tree.
Click "Disk Management".
View the diagram for your disk-drive.
Does it show the 56GB partition, followed by 100GB of "unallocated" space,
or does it show one (approximately) 160GB partition?

If the former, backup all the files in the partition (copy to an external disk-drive, or copied to DVD-recordable disks, or to another computer).
Then, use "Disk Management" to delete that "small" partition, and to define a new partition that "spans" the entire volume, and to initialize the partition.
Then, copy the "saved" files back onto the drive.

Not show 80gb show 32gb

Click Start
Right-mouse click My Computer
Click Manage
Expand the Storage branch of the tree
Click Disk Management
You should see a rectangle with '32GB' in one "inner" rectangle, and '48GB' as "unallocated" storage.

Compare it to writing in only the first 32 pages of an 80 page diary.

Select the "unallocated' space.
Click to "Create Partition", so that you can use that "unallocated" space.

How do i get a new hard drive to recocgnize the external drive

Connect the external storage
Click Start
Right-mouse click My Computer
Click Manage
Click Storage
Click Disk Management

Check to see if there is a "healthy" partition covering the disk-space of the external storage device.

Do not showing full space


I think the problem is due to a virus. Your system or hard drive (PAN drive) might have a virus. It is the virus causing your hard drive not showing full space. i suggest you install a good antivirus to your computer like kaspersky and NOD32 and scan the PAN drive and formate it. 
go to kioskea downloads - system - formatting, and download the USB DISK STORAGE FORMAT TOOL, 
intall it on your pc and use it to format your drive. its simple ans easy. another way is-
You can format the pen drive from hp usb disk format util.. u can download form following link



If your hard drive is recognized by your computer try opening control panel,to administrative tools,to Computer management,to storage, to disk management,by right clicking on drive you can format that drive or delete it.

Hard disk drive

If you using WinXP, right click on My Computer>
>Manage> Disk Management>Drives
Active another 80 GB Disk space

Aluratek 500 GB Hard Drive Troubleshooting

I take it from what your saying, this is a brand new hard drive.. if so it simply means that before you can use the drive.. simply click on start, the right click on my computer and go to manage. next, click on storag and then disk management local... right click on the new drive and go to format!

hope you manage okay!
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