NetGear WGR614 Router Logo
omar ferd Posted on Jun 15, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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The lights won't turn off

My netgear router hangs whn powered up...all the lights (1, 2, 3, 4 and the power light are lit up) except for the wifi and the tick mark are lit up and they stay like that...i was trying to reset the router to factory settings and i had pushed the reset button for like 3-4 times and over 10 seconds. It is still stuck. Please help!

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  • Posted on Jun 15, 2007
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There is something wrong internally, i think, but if you can get into the routers settings via your browser using an rj45 cable ( and enter the username and password normally admin and 1234 or admin and admin, and look for reset in the menu or restart router. If you are able also look under your router for the firmware version or it can be found somewhere within the settings menu and go to the netgear website and see if there are any firmware updates. If there are you will have to install it following the instructions and probably have to do a factory reset to initiate the firmware, if still having the same problem the hardware itself may be faulty.

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I have a Netgear WNR2000 v4 router. We recently had a power outage.Power came back on in 5 seconds.The cable modem is fine,however the router ONLY shows me a solid green light for power, nothing else.

I would just do the reset, this should allow you to access at factory defaults. (I hold button in for 10 sec).

A solid green (power?) light is good
LAN ports should only light if connected
WiFi port should light if set to active

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Start to change:

1-Charger / Cable then;
2-Test; no luck?
3-Device is dead

Wifi stopped working

power cycle. if it still doesn't work then reset to factory defaults and set back up again from scratch.

My wifi light won't turn on and i have no wireless connection

you need to configure the wireless settings
connect to your router using a cable and then go to your browser to
go to wireless and setup your wireless network settings

DG834g v3 Router continuously rebooting

1. Reset the router to factory settings.

- Before you reset the router, unplug all the cables attached to it except the power cord.

- Make sure the router is plugged into the power outlet, then hold down the reset button at the back of the router for 30 seconds using a paper clip or a pen. You should see the lights flicker momentarily on the front panel of the router. //

2. Once the lights are stable, connect 1 computer or laptop directly to the back of the router(Ethernet/LAN ports usually they are labelled by numbers and have the same color, just pick one).

- If you pick number 1, check the corresponding light indicator at the front panel of the router, make sure light 1 is also lit up if not choose another port at the back of the router. //

3. Access the router's setup page by typing or in the address field of your browser and then press Enter. Type admin for the router user name and your password (or the default, password). Setup and configure the router again.


I bought a netgear jwnr 2000 yesterday and tried to set it up at my sisters house for her, so i could take the other netgear router with me. It didnt work. The only indicating lights that were working...

1. Reset the router to factory settings.

- Before you reset the router, unplug all the cables attached to it except the power cord.

- Make sure the router is plugged into the power outlet, then hold down the reset button at

the back of the router for 30 seconds using a paper clip or a pen. You should see the lights flicker momentarily on the front panel of the router.

2. Once the lights are stable, connect 1 computer or laptop directly to the back of the

router(LAN ports usually they are labeled by numbers and have the same color, just pick one).

If you pick number 1, check the corresponding light indicator at the front panel of the

router, make sure light 1 is also lit up if not choose another port at the back of the router.

3. access the router's setup page by typing or in the

address field of your browser and then press Enter. Type admin for the router user name and your password (or the default, password). Setup and configure the router again.

4. If you notice the connection is not stable or the lights on the router are still not

displaying correctly, you may update or reload the same firmware(program or software) on the

router. You may download the updated firmware from , just type the

model of your router, choose the version, press enter then click on Downloads, you should see

the firmware available for your router. Make sure to use wired connection when updating the



Hiee I am using netgear N300 jwnr2000 router. The router worked fine for few days it has suddenly stooped working.Any of my wierless devices are not able to detect my router since the wifi in been...

Unplug both your DSL/Cable Modem, and the Router from power. Wait 30 seconds. Plug in power to DSL/Cable Modem only, and wait for it to connect. then plug in power to Router, and wait for it to start up. Give it about 1 min. If the lights are still not on, you may need to reconfigure your router. If this does not work, connect your cable/DSL modem to your computer directly, and power cycle it again. Once it is online, check to see if you can get online, if you cannot, contact your internet service provider, as you have ruled out a problem with the router.

Can you tell me if all of the four numbers should be lit up to reflect the Netgear WGR614 is working? My internet connection suddenly quit and I just noticed that on the number "1" is lit.

On a router, the numbers light up only if there is an active computer plugged in to that port. One computer plugged into port 1 the number 1 wil light, and same with 2, 3, 4. No device plugged in to port = no light. Different color lights with different data rates.

Router will not work only the power light is lit up

1. physical connections
2. hard reset
3. check ip. (if 169, assign static ip)
4. assign static ip
5. ping router (if getting replies, access webui, reload firmware. if not getting replies, the router may already be faulty, advise to phone netgear)
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