Frigidaire FEQ1442ES Electric Dryer Logo
Marilyn Villeneuve Posted on Jun 13, 2007
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No pwer in Control panel but light is on the the dryer

My dryer seems to be partially working. There's power coming in for sure because the light lights up in the dryer. But there's nothing working on the front control panel. No light, nothing. I tried to press all buttons but no "response". Can somebody help me?!?? Thanks!!

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  • moongdss81 Dec 01, 2007

    i am having the same problem. the drum light comes on but nothing on the panel lights up or beeps as i try to turn it on. i pulled it out of the space it was in and unplugged it then plugged it back in. before and after replugging it i flipped the breaker in case that was the issue but still nothing. i live in an apartment complex, is there something that could be an issue with a building breaker? i have no idea what to try next and am not sure what i would be looking for if i managed to open it up. please help!

  • jessie034 May 10, 2008

    Same problem with this dryer. just brought it home; connected properly we're sure of it. not the breaker. no lights/ no go. doesn't seem like there's power going to it ??

  • Anonymous Sep 23, 2008

    plug the dryer up all lights goes out and dryer too.


1 Answer

Bruce Eichhorst

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  • Expert 74 Answers
  • Posted on Jun 30, 2007
Bruce  Eichhorst
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Joined: Jun 22, 2007

You may have blown one of the two circuit breakers at the building fuse box. Sometimes they are physically linked together so that both trip at the same time. This is how it's suppose to work but sometimes one will trip leaving you with half power but enough to work the minor circuits. Resetting the circuit breaker is an easy fix. If this doesn't work ohm out the thermal fuses. They are ususally accessable by lifting the top. With it open check that all connector are connected.

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Sounds like the control panel may be dead. If you cannot get any lights to come on at all on the front panel, its probably a goner. You can check the voltage coming out of the control pc board via the schematic inside the dryer panel. I have this same exact problem. I replaced the control board 3 times because the panel seems fine if i plug it into an external power supply but will not work when plugged into my dryer. I have my jumpered and running off of a circuit breaker. I have checked every part in the entire unit. That was over 2 years ago. I still need to get a control panel and see if it fixes mine but after dropping $130 on the control board, i feel i could buy another dryer with the $200 they want for the control panel. Also this dryer seems to streak my clothes with brown or rust colored spots. The dryer is spotless inside. I even took off the rubber seal because i thought the glue is what was possibly doing it when it heated up but that didn't help either....This dryer sucks.

No power to selector panel

Sounds like the control panel may be dead. If you cannot get any lights to come on at all on the front panel, its probably a goner. You can check the voltage coming out of the control pc board via the schematic inside the dryer panel. I have this same exact problem. I replaced the control board 3 times because the panel seems fine if i plug it into an external power supply but will not work when plugged into my dryer. I have my jumpered and running off of a circuit breaker.

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Part number LA-1053 is a high limit t'stat/fusable link kit. A restricted vent is the number one cause for failure of these components.
After making sure vent is thouroughly cleaned you may want to have a pro come out to install the kit. If you decide to tackle it yourself, mmake sure POWER IS REMOVED from dryer, prior to attempting repairs.
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check to make sure both sides of the outlet have pwer present, if not, repace outlet or correct wiring problem, as well check to see power cord hooked up correctly on dryer.
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Door switch If the door switch or the door-switch actuator is defective, the dryer won't work and you need to replace the failed component. The switch is inside the dryer main housing near the door frame. Sometimes you need to raise or open the top or front of the dryer to reach the switch.

Thermal fuse On many dryers, there's a thermal fuse (a heat-sensitive fuse that blows if the dryer overheats) mounted to the exhaust duct inside the back cover panel. The fuse is about an inch long. It's usually embedded in black resin and mounted in a white plastic housing.

If the fuse has blown, it has no continuity. When this happens, your dryer either just stops heating, or it doesn't work at all. Be sure to inspect the venting/heating system before replacing the fuse to put the dryer back into operation. (You can't re-set this type of fuse.)

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Sounds like the control panel may be dead. If you cannot get any lights to come on at all on the front panel, its probably a goner. You can check the voltage coming out of the control pc board via the schematic inside the dryer panel. I have this same exact problem. I replaced the control board 3 times because the panel seems fine if i plug it into an external power supply but will not work when plugged into my dryer. I have my jumpered and running off of a circuit breaker.

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Dryer problem

i am sending you all the possibilities for your problem, check either of these causes ----and than let me know if it is solved----

Power from the house
Check to see whether there's power getting to the dryer. Is it plugged in? Check for blown fuses or tripped circuit breakers--your dryer uses two fuses or circuit breakers. The dryer could tumble but not heat if only one of the two fuses is blown. If you have circuit breakers, one of the two circuit breakers can trip, even if the two for the dryer are connected.

Heating element
Often a dryer heating element burns out, but doesn't trip the circuit breaker or blow a fuse. The heating element is simply a long coil of special wire. You can check it for continuity with an ohm meter. No continuity means the element is bad and you need to replace it--electric heating elements aren't repairable.

Thermal fuse
On many dryers, there's a thermal fuse mounted to the exhaust duct inside the back cover panel. The fuse--which is about an inch long--is usually embedded in black resin and mounted in a white plastic housing. If the fuse has blown, you need to replace it. (You can't re-set it.)

A common problem is for the main wiring connection from the house, at the dryer, to burn and break its connection. Because the dryer can still tumble with partial power, the connection may be only partially defective. You may need to replace both the power cord to the dryer and the terminal block inside the dryer that the wire is attached to.

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