D-Link AirPlus DI-524 Wireless Router Logo

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Zdenka ZouharTur Posted on Jun 12, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Automaticly restarting, shooting down

I am using D-link router over one year. In last couple weeks router started shooting down itself. From beginning that happens once or twice a week this time its twice a day. Sometime it's just rebooting. Another time it stays off. It is not getting hot. Otherwise it's working perfectly.

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  • Posted on Jun 12, 2007
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First try a reset in your router settings, by typing in your web browser, and you also may have to try a firmware update, but you need to find the version of your router underneath, so refer to this page and see if you have the current firmware:- http://support.dlink.com/products/revision.asp Please be aware that any firmware upgrades need to be done with the rj45 cable and not wirelessly Otherwise, if it's rebooting it could be the W32.Blaster Worm, many other variations of this worm have been found. Some of them are W32/Lovsan.worm and W32/Nachi.worm. These worms create a lot of ICMP traffic which may overload the router to eventually prevent it from communicating. Whether it´s the CPU or another component of the router that causes the failure, the problem can only be solved through the removal of this virus. There´s a tool provided by McAfee called Stinger. This tool will detect and remove the viruses that cause these problems. Please take a minute to read about this tools and it´s usage. You will need to run this tool on every single computer. the tool can be found here:- http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/

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If it is really noisey when it spins then this can only mean one thing.... the drum bearing are shot, its a complete strip down job, not an easy job for a beginer. Sorry

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if you give the automatic ip address obtian throught dhcp in that you give proxery server if there then remove it . and go to the router page and go to dhcp in that you enable and give the dns there and ip address you isp . then you get it after then you not get it then disable the proxery server. in laptop give both automatic.

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When you can get it to start, go directly into the bios. Once there find hardware monitor. (if your bios supports that). If so, here you can monitor cpu & motherboard tempture. Just let it sit. If its a heat issue you will be able to see it in the bios. Also lets see if the pc restarts by itself. If no restart takes place I would guess this is a software issue. Possible virus/worm. Pull the system memory & reseat. Reinstall windows.


Change out the power supply. Dell had this problem with one of there desktop product lines.
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