RaidMax NINJA 918 ATX Case Logo
tom thomas Posted on Jun 08, 2007

Red Light instead of a Blue one

I have a RaidMax NINJA 918 ATX Case that used to have a the blue light on the front when it comes on or when the pc was processing. Now the light comes on Red and also flashes red when it processes. i do not know if this is a way of telling me that something is wrong or is this normal. i had not seen it red before and now it is only red. please assist with this matter.

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  • Posted on Jun 12, 2007
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I've seen this before. The power LED needs to be replaced. If you have the sales receipt, Raidmax will replace it. This won't affect any other part of your PC, so if you don't get it replaced, it's not the end of the world. =)

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RAIDMAX no post

Hi there . Sometimes Memory cards bring this problem if not seated correctly on the expansion slots. Try this remove them and put them back again then try the machine .
If there is no VGA display swap the memory cards with another of the same value .Put it on if no display ? Look for a VGA expansion card this should give you display . Good luck dude

Raidmax 500w power slowly died, then wont turn back on.

1.-Your CPU fan is working?

2.-Your Power supply fan is working?

If not and following your description I think that you have to replace your power supply.

If you have the light on in the motherboard doesn't mean that your power supply is good.

Check the first to points above and if 1 and 2 are not working

Replace your power supply.

Let me know how it is going!

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Pablo :-)

Unable to check on rebate-received no notice of receipt-ending 29 Jan 08-purchased 27 Jan 08 and $40 rebate mailed in.

If it was a manufacturer rebate from Raidmax you can email them at [email protected]. I would try to have as much info as possible. I know most rebates usually require a copy of sales receipt and some sort of form and maybe the upc code from the box. I always make copys of everything I send in for a rebate for just this sort of thig thing. Let them know everything as far as date sent, name,product, rebate info, etc. If it was a store rebate the same rules apply but check on their website or ask the store what to do. Once again make sure you have as much info as possible and be patient. I know by experience these things can take a while. Good luck and hang in there.

I broke my temp probe on my raidmax

if by the probe you understand front fan controller,yes,there are controlers to replace yours..just pay attention to fit in the bay..

Raidmax fan+light

Fans are such a low cost item I would replace the fan or fans and take the troubleshooting from there.
Fans can be prurchased from or best buy ETC..

Fan not lightning up

there should be 3/4 small led (light emitting diodes) on the inner of the fan check the integrity of the solder on the wire to this led strip if there are any breaks in this then it can be re soldered.

if the fan is part of the PSU (power supply uinit then consult your local pc repair shop do not open the PSU.

If its just a case fan it would prob be easyer just to replace the fan.

hope this helps

Driver for the video controller of my pc

Please specify what driver so that we could get it for you.

Doesn't power up anymore

use a test pen and check if any power coming out from the power supply cable e.g. to hard drive, motherboard and so on.. this will help to to find out if it is actually power supply issue or components issue....
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