Symphonic SC3813 13 in. TV/VCR Combo Logo
Nancy Weber Posted on Jun 07, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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VCR isn't work, can you help?

Hi, Today I put a tape into my vcr and the tape got "stuck" after several attempts to eject it I finally got it out. Now it won't play anything. When I put a tape into it is sometime will run it for maybe 10 sections (if it runs all you see is bad snow) and then shuts off the TV. When I turn the power back on it ejects the tape. I've tried cleaning it but still run into this problem. Can you help? Thanks, Nancy PS: I'm very untechnical so would need to be walked thru with clear steps if you can help.

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  • Posted on Jun 07, 2007
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Nancy, From the sounds of it either the supply or takeup reel is not working and may be damaged. In fact that may be the reason you couldn't get the tape out... If the takeup reel doesn't spin there is a small sensor below it that recognizes that there is a malfunction and shuts the system down. That's usually far cheaper than unloading a whole tape inside or do some serious damage. This unit is similar in design and electronics as the Funai F3813C and Sylvania 3813LC, W3813LC, Symphonic WS3813C and a Magnavox CCz132. That said, I have worked on a few of the comparable models for something quite similar and it has never been a real expensive repair. i'd guess this one would be under $80 dollars. Just find a reputable shop to take it to... If you not sure where to find one goto: and type in your info. That's the National Electronic Service Dealer's Assn. Kinda like going to the AMA to find a doctor... Good Luck Bill

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