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Don Smith Posted on Jun 05, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Acer Aspire 3610 laptop - Windows XP error

HELP! I am close to computer illiterate, and I have a big problem! My laptop will not boot up and I get a blackscreen error message that says: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\CONFIG\\SYSTEM You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'R' at the first screen to start repair. ------------- So I inserted my Windows XP setup disc but I keep getting the same message. I did some internet research and discovered I should go into setup BIOS mode, and select bootup from CD-ROM. I found the BOOT screen but it won't allow me to select "boot from CD", it seems I can only boot from the hard-drive. So now what? If I can't access my CD, and I can't get into Windows to access my harddrive, am I screwed? PLEASE PLEASE HELP, anyone who understands this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous Mar 19, 2014

    i want to install windows xp over vista but cannot start xp setup and cannot boot with xp cd.


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  • Posted on Jun 06, 2007
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On a friend's Windows 98 SE or Windows ME computer, create a floppy "Startup disk". Insert in your pc floppy drive and turn on. If floppy drive was not accessed, then get to BIOS and ensure "Boot from floppy drive" is set prior to "boot from hard drive". Once at first screen, select "Boot with CD-ROM driver". Insert CD-ROM and initiate entire re-install of Windows. Windows may do some self-restarting. At first restart do this: get to BIOS and ensure "Boot from hard drive" is set prior to "boot from floppy drive".

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