Mitsubishi WD-62725 62" Rear Projection HDTV-Ready Television Logo
Harvis Kramer Posted on Jun 05, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Tv is having wave problems and little blue specs

MY Mitsubishi DLP is experiencing problems, two different ones. 1. on all the channels, (and dvds) blue specs go in and out (like blow snow) as if the whole picture is not coming in correctly. They are tiny specs only about a 1/4 inch big probably, but theres probably a few dozensthat come in at a time, they come in and out over and over again while you watch tv. #2 problem is i see waves on the HD channels. Its like the picture has waves going up and down (horizontal lines) but this only happens on the HD channels. I had the cable company come out and change the boxes, wires, etc. but its obviously a TV problem since its happening on DVDs, and playstation also. anyone help??

  • beknal Dec 10, 2007

    I have the same problem as described in #2 (horizantal waves in the background while I'm on HD Channels) but when I play DVD I have clear picture.
    Any help is appreciated..


  • Harvis Kramer Dec 28, 2007

    seems to be the problem. I had a repair guy come out and tell me the same thing. Problem is the TV is only two years old so I feel like a shmo paying $900+ to get it repaired when I paid $5,000 just two years ago. I am hoping to get Mitsubishi to cover some of this cost. Thanks for the input.


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  • Posted on Jun 05, 2007
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Distoritions like the symptoms you're describing are probably a defective light engine, Mitsubishi p/n#939p977020 If you go to price a new L/E they're approximately $975.00 and $300.00 of that is core that you get back when you return the defective one. This is NOT a replacement for the less than skilled either. Find a good reputable shop and have them do the job. If you get someone less than skilled you could end-up damaging the new L/E or something else like the color wheel. If you're not sure where to begin looking for a reputable shop I would suggest calling NESDA (National Electronic Service Dealer's Assn.) and asking them for a referral to one of their member shops in your area. Good Luck Bill

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