We have a 5 year old tv and this problem developed last year and has gotten progressively worse; picture stays dark with brightness turned all the way up. Picture has green tint even when adjusting colors. Is it worth repairing this tv set or is it time to upgrade? Thank you, Simmons Family
Most TVs of that caliber have a life expectancy of about ten years.. In 2009 we'll be passing into the HD era and that Tv won't work without a little help from an HD converter. What you're describing sounds like some transistor problems on the crt board and possibly voltage regulation. Not too expensive for a reputable shop, but my best advice would be to get an estimate first. If you need help finding a reputable shop contact NESDA, (National Electronic Service Dealer's Assn.) they should be able to direct you to a member's shop in your area. Its like going to the AMA to find a doctor. If the cost is more than half the cost of buying new - get a new one... Good Luck Bill
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