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vangelis SKORDAS Posted on Jun 02, 2007

There is a serial port besides the parallel. how can i make it work with serial cable?

I am trying to connect the serial port of the printer to a usb so i can use this nise printer with my new motherboard (no serials or parallels). I use a serial to usb cable, but its not working. (software can;t see the printer). Any suggestions? Do i have to configure the printer to receive data from serial? hao can i do this?

  • vangelis SKORDAS Jun 04, 2007

    well, i am working on computer building since 1985 (zx zinglair spectrum-remember? good old days , just a visual basic) so plase you can treat me as at least intermidiate in pc please.
    The motherboard is the asus extreme-striker but the problem is that there is no serial or parallel ports on it.
    The printer has no usb ports on it only the usual parallel connector and a serial connector(it would be silly of me to try to connect it through serial to usb port if there was a usb on the printer)
    Of course there are working usb devices on the motherboard...a loooot of usb devices.
    Thank you for your interest, i appriciate you are trying to help me Tonerman.
    I am trying to find out if there is any special setting on the printer menu, to make the serial conector to receive data instead of parallel, becouse now the connector looks like not working. If this is done automaticly means that the problem is the cable (serial-2-usb)i use.
    The funny think is that with the parallel port the parallel-2-usb connector works fine. But i need to do this through the serial an not the parallel-printer port.
    So the tecnical question is:
    -is the serial port besides the printer port on the printer for receiving data? if yes, do i need to change anything on printer's settings to make it work? (my printer is oki ol400ex ports: 1 parallel, 1 serial)


2 Answers



I know this is dreadfully old, but when using a Parallel-to-USB adapter with a non-USB printer, once the drivers have been installed for both the printer AND the USB adapter, you often have to point the printer driver to the correct port. Do this by going into the properties for the printer in the Printers folder (right-click, select properties). Select the Ports tab, then scroll down the list until you see the entry for the USB adapter - something like 'USB001 - Virtual USB Printer Port' or similar. Select this, hit 'OK' and give the test print a whirl.


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  • Posted on Jun 02, 2007
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If the printer is built with a usb port, the it should work, is there another USB device in the PC that is working ?


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