Pentax Optio 330GS Digital Camera Logo

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joan dyque Posted on Jun 02, 2007
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Flash hi, good day. Please help me with my digital camera, when i'm taking a picture at night or in a dark palce, my optio 330gs wouldn't flash, so, the result is black and even in the screen is black. where in the setting i can fix or i can set? thanks....

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  • Posted on Jun 03, 2007
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Check the manual throughly- usually there is a more comprehensive manual on the CD- to ensure all the correct setting are made. Other wise this is a flash failure[lamp or capacitor] Take a look at the Pentex technical support site.

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Camera takes dark pictures

Don't know what exactly the issue is, but digital cameras these days all have a setting to adjust the aperture. If a picture is dark, you can change the setting to have the aperture open for longer (this lets more light in). It wouldn't be an automatic setting, unfortunately, but this is something you have to do anyways when its dark outside and you are taking pictures at night. Just make sure you steady the camera (if the aperture is open for very long, then you may need a tripod) when taking the picture or else it will be blurry.

All nite time pics are blacked out what can I do to fix it.

If the day time pictures are good then the setttings for the night shots must be selected according to the light intensity. Please check on the menu for night settings if you are intenting a low light shoot. Also make sure that the flash is active, in most of the present day samml cameras, the flash THROW is low and so the SUBJECT must not be too far as the picture will appear dark. So when using flash in a dark scene have the subject within 5-7 feet as the small flash will not be able to capture the openess. Also you can use a SLAVE flash to counter this and give a better prospective.

Optio 330gs Windows 7 compatibility?

You also might want to consider NOT connecting the camera to the computer.

The best way to download pictures from your camera to your computer involves removing the memory card from the camera and plugging it into a card reader (either built-in to the computer or connected via USB or FireWire). This is likely to be faster than connecting the camera to the computer, and won't run down your camera's batteries.

Once the card is plugged in, it will appear to your computer as a removable drive. You can use the operating system's drag&drop facility to copy pictures from the card to the computer's hard drive.

Pictures to dark at night

no there isn,t.but these cameras do not have enough flash to take great pictures at night,for one you cant be to far away,two you have to have a subject in range of the flash,other wise all you get is darkness.but at the most 10ft is the farthest you can go and still get a great shot at dark.also use auto mode when taking pictures,because it adjusts to light-dark etc.i know this because i have the same camera and its awesome,plus im a photo technician and ran a photo lab for 3years selling digital cameras. good luck,hope i helped

Pentax Optio 330GS its gone blind!

You've probably got something as simple as a ribbon cable loose in the camera. Beware though, dismantling is a serious task unless you have experience. Amazingly the CCD is often connected in such a simple, analog-esqe, way that disconnecting it doesn't cause an error, just a black screen.

Pentax Option 330GS problem turning on

Sounds like the images are corrupted on the card. If you have another card then try starting the camera with it. To get the card working again, you will need to format it in a card reader with FAT16 format, or try in another camera. If you want the images, you will have to obtain repair software to try to retrieve the images.

Color shift problem with 330GS

This is because the RGB filters in the camera are not perfect, and there is no one "green" colour. The green pixels pick up a wide band of colours, and are somewhat sensitive even to red and blue, especially near where green shades into red.

Problem with taking pictures in the shadows

In very simple terms you simply didn't have enough aperture and sensor sensitivity to get the same exposure in the camera as you got with your eyes. The blurring was caused by camera movement while the shutter was open, hand held anything over about 1/15th of a second will be unusable at your shortest focal length. Night photos are hard as they require maximum aperture to let in enough light, and maximum aperture means minimum depth of field so if you are close to the subject it is hard to get all of it in focus. You can increase the ISO setting, but that introduces noise into the shot. As you noticed using flash completely destroys the interesting lighting you were trying to capture. With a proper external flash you would have got a shot as though it were daytime, with a small inbuilt flash you just forced the camera to take a short exposure with a small aperture without adding enough flash light to get the exposure, hence the black picture. As it was a static subject you could have tried a long exposure with the camera on a trpod, possibly using the self timer to start the shot so that you did not touch the camera at all. Another area to take care with is colour/white balance. Your eyes are very good at adjusting for any colour cast or hue in the illumination. You will notice that a sheet of white paper looks white to you inside under normal lights, or inside under flourescent lighting, or outside in daylight . You will find that your camera has to be preset for the colour/temperature of the illumination, to get this right you need to know the spec of the flood lights (halogen, tungsten etc) as it is unlikely the automatic white balance will get this right, being less sophisticated than the human eye/brain combination . You can of course adjust the white balance in who editing software. I hope this helps....

Black LCD screen on camera

Just had the same problem (black display). I moved my hand in front of it and took pictures of things but nothing happened. Then my girlfriend tried to point it to a lamp, and all-of-a-sudden it kinda woke up from a screensaver or something. So weird, but it worked. Perhaps it needs enough light in order to start using the display and lens. I couldn't take any pictures when the LCD was black. So, try pointing it towards a strong light source before you break your camera.
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