Samsung Digimax 420 Digital Camera Logo

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ronan o'brien Posted on May 31, 2007
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Samsung digimax 420 zoom error

The zoom lens will not operate even when batterys are fully charged abd display cinfirms this. i can view pictures taken but when i switch to image capture mode the caption 'zoom error' comes up. the camera has not been damaged or dropped, i have recently replaced the rechargeable batteries. the camera has to this point been out of use for 6months. any suggestions? i have not tried to fix the problem. i wonder if there may be a problem with the power or batteries.

  • ronan o'brien Jun 01, 2007

    Thanks for your help Jackboy!!


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  • Posted on May 31, 2007
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Joined: Apr 27, 2007

The Zoom error could be motor failure or a connector come loose. you could try the Samsung Technical Help Team Byt I suspect it is time for repair or replacement[ depending on age of the device]

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We have a samsung digimax v800 camera but the zoom lens is stuck and wont go in,it is fully charged

Lens errors are fairly common. Usually it's sand or grit interfering with the lens extension mechanism. Or the camera's been dropped with the lens extended. Or the camera has been powered on, but the lens had been blocked preventing its extension. Or the battery ran down with the lens extended ...Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can try that may (or may not) correct it. They only seem to work for less than 40% of the lens errors, but if the camera is out of warranty (or repair cost approaches that of the camera), they're worth that try. Some of the later steps do involve some risk to the camera, so carefully weigh your options before deciding to conduct them.
And here's a video summary of the steps:

My Samsung Digimax S800 Camera, when push power bottom, the camera green lite near power button and camera bleeps twice. Then turn off. Zoom len is fully extended. Chnage Battery three times.

this problem is a is usual occurrence when the camera is not well powered.
ie. the battery might not have enough charge on it or might have gone bad and require you to replacei it.

please ensure you get the battery with right voltage and wattage, the required is usually written around or in the battery compartment.

Despite my samsung L50 camera being fully charged I cant get it to switch on. The blue light flicks on then dies away again with a bleeping noise. I can however view previously taken photos by pressing the...

Here is a website that lists the things to do and check to try to fix this problem:
Mostly this consists of ensuring that the battery is good, and holding a full charge, and also making sure the battery contacts are clean, both on the battery and inside the camera.
As a last thing to check, the switch could be bad. The next web blog talks about another problem the camera could be having, which is a lens "stuck" issue:
Even though it says lens error, it still apllies to stuck lens.
Good luck, and hope this helps.

Digimax S800 Samsung : Lens won't retract

check first if battery is ok, maybe your problem is your barrel, if barrel not function properly you need to change motor or barrel allignment. if barrel is ok you have short circuit in your assy pcb main.


Zoom error - samsung digital camera 4.0 mega pixels

Most likely the lens has been knocked out of aligment. If you look head on at the lens. The gap should be the same all the way around. You can try and "click" it back in to place yourself. Otherwise the camera is in need of repair, which based on most peoples level of experience should be left to a professional.

My Samsung Digimax 420 keeps saying low battery!

Check that you are using the correct type of batteries and that they are rechageable as i found i had a similer problem when using just normal non recargeable

Digimax S500

The lens stays in the outmost position although batteries are fully charged. This has happend twice. The first time I had a valid waranty so the problem was fixed for free. Now it has happend again and there seems to be no way to get the lens back into the camera. Also the display is totally black.
I guess I have taken about 500 pictures since the last repair. Not very much - even a cheap camera should last for longer than that.
Never Samsung again!!!

Camera Wont Turn on

Please eject camera battery and clean with a pin your battery tip in your camera with care fully.d36f20d.gif

Hope its helpful to you

Samsung Digimax 530 - Zoom Error

Check Customer support at Samsung. Unless you are a wathcmaker you and your screw driver will nothing to help.

Camera shuts off by itself

Are you certain the batteries are good and fully charged. They do wear out eventually. Hopefully it's not a jammed lens causing the problem. Does the display come up with an error number or maybe even "lens error" before switching off? If it does it will mean a trip to the camera doctor. How far are you actually getting with the switch on? Try switching to view picture instead of the shoot mode. This consumes less power and if you can see the last picture you took on the LCD or even a flash of it before closedown I'd put my money on bad batteries. Make sure the battery ends are clean and the camera battery contacts aren't corroded or dirty. It's sometimes amazing how trouble a little dirt can cause. BMW
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