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Kirby G3 has stopped running. It used to work with a good kick, now the light flickers for a microsecond, the shaft turns a quarter turn, and then nothing. I took it apart, cleaned and inspected everything, and then it worked smoother than ever, but only one time. Now it won't run at all.
It now has a new cord, the fan is OK, and poking the nozzle and bag safety switches with a screwdriver makes no difference, so apparently it is not them.
Is the problem with the power switch? or The brushes? or something else? Is there some place I can find a wiring diagram, so I know all the wires inside are in the right place?
Sounds like brushes not being pressed down to the commutator shaft. pull out brushes and clean the brass brush guides and then apply a light coat of grease to brushes.
however, what exactly do you mean by "the fan is OK"?
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