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Anonymous Posted on May 27, 2007

Lens cover doesn't open

Recently for no known reason, when I turn the camera on, the lens extends, but the lens cover shutter doesn't open. If I give it a light tap with my finger the shutters open up, but what a pain. Any suggestions?

  • Anonymous May 29, 2007

    Actually, I put just a tiny drop of Tri-Flo on the shutters and after cycling through them a bit, they now open a lot more smoothly.


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  • Posted on May 27, 2007
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There is a misalignment in the shutter flaps and must be re-aligned by an experienced tech.

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The lens shutter to which you refer is actually the lens cover - the shutter itself is located within the camera, and controls the exposure.

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Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can try:


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A stuck automatic lens cover is a fairly common problem, but it is normally easy to fix. A single grain of sand jamming the cover mechanism is normally the culprit, and you want to try to dislodge it:


Point the camera straight down into a vacuum hose (while the vacuum is on) and tap it around the insides. This will help to **** the dirt out instead of pushing it in further like compressed air might do.Also turn the camera on and off constantly while doing this.


1) Try blowing lots of compressed air around the lens cover to clean the mechanism. Or use a hair dryer for a few seconds (don't want to heat up the camera). Use no heat mode if possible.

2) Slide a thin strip of paper between the lens cover shutters and the outer support ring. Work it around 360 degrees to clear out any debris that may be in there.

3) With the lens barrel extended and pointed downward, tap the lens barrel with a pencil while you extend and retract the lens by powering the camera on and off. Repeat the above three steps several times. If repeated tries don't work then it may be necessary to open the lens barrel to access the lens cover mechanism.The lens cover mechanism is usually accessible for many cameras without needing to open up the camera case.

Lens cover only opens half-way

If the lens barrel isn't fully extending on power up, that will prevent the lens cover shutters from springing open. There is a stationary prong that pushes the cover closed when the barrel is retracted.

Does the camera work otherwise? Take pictures thru the half open lens?

Lens Cover Won't Open

NO Super glue this can be fixed pretty easily to get fixed. most local shops will not charge you to much to fix it maybe 15 to 20 at the most i figure. or you can remove the lens cover by putting a very small flat head screw driver on the side of the lens and with the camera off pull away from the camera and it should just pop off. Superglue if you get it on the lens will rune the whole thing. Just tiring to help out . I repair lens shutters all the time they are just mechanical parts nothing really special about them.

Shutter does not open

The camera does not gets opened on power on it seems that some gear has broken inside

Camera lens cover is sticky

Try blowing lots of compressed air around the open lens shutter to clean the mechanism. Or use a hair dryer for a few seconds (don't want to heat up the camera). Also with the lens barrel extended and pointed downward, tap the lens barrel with a pencil while you extend and retract the lens by powering the camera on and off. A grain of sand in the mechanism is usually the culprit, and you want to try to dislodge it.

You can open it up, but only as a very last resort. The above procedures usually work if you try them enough. But for those particularly nasty stuck mechanisms, here's an example repair on a Canon Powershot A400 (do this at your own risk):

Lens cover jamming

Try blowing lots of compressed air around the open lens shutter to clean the mechanism. Or use a hair dryer for a few seconds (don't want to heat up the camera). Also with the lens barrel extended and pointed downward, tap the lens barrel with a pencil while you extend and retract the lens by powering the camera on and off. A grain of sand in the mechanism is usually the culprit, and you want to try to dislodge it.

You can open it up, but only as a very last resort. The above procedures usually work if you try them enough. But for those particularly nasty stuck mechanisms, here's an example repair on a Canon Powershot A400 (do this at your own risk, and it will void your warranty):

Kodak DX6340 Lens Cover Does Not Open

Try blowing lots of compressed air around the open lens shutter to clean the mechanism. Or use a hair dryer for a few seconds (don't want to heat up the camera). Also with the lens barrel extended and pointed downward, tap the lens barrel with a pencil while you extend and retract the lens by powering the camera on and off. A grain of sand in the mechanism is usually the culprit, and you want to try to dislodge it.

You can open it up, but only as a very last resort. The above procedures usually work if you try them enough. But for those particularly nasty stuck mechanisms, here's an example repair on a Canon Powershot A400 (do this at your own risk, and it will void your warranty):
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