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Rob flanagan Posted on May 24, 2007
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Computer Freeze My computer freezes every time I am on it. I have had it repaired three times and have done system restores. The screen will freeze any time that I am using it. It will work fine for a certain period of time and then suddenly freeze up. I have removed any suspicious software off of the computer and the problem still remains

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  • Posted on May 24, 2007
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Firsly i would of asked what exactly the repairer did to it to solve the problem, and then ask for a refund as it is no better. But we can try and solve it here, by looking for the cause next time it freezes, go to control panel>administrative tools>event viewer, then look at 'application' on the left column and click on it and on the right a list of applications that have been run will list, look for any red 'x' and double click on that line and the problem will show and send yot to microsoft for a possible solution. look also on the 'system' again in the left panel and again look for red x's, but ignore any warning(!) marks. It may also be a graphics driver, so update you graphics driver or even try an older one from the card manufacturer web site. Another common freezing problem can be down to overheating, so take the side of the pc off and check there are no dust building on the fans and that there are no cables obstructing the air flow, leave the side off the pc whilst using and see if it still freezes. Also lastly, usb wireless network cards have been known to be a cause for freezing because of poor drivers, so if you have one try dissabling the software programme that runs your network card and enable WZC, which is Windows Zero Configuration, as this is more stable.

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