Symphonic ST419E TV Logo
Gordon Tremblay Posted on May 23, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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No input channels

Alright...I own a Symphonic 32'' TV......I'm no expert on this so I'm not gonna try and pretend I am......I lost the remote to the TV a while ago....I am currently using an RCA universal remote cable runs through A/V jacks therefore needs an input channel....(ie:video1,2, so on) but my remote wont let me go to the input channels stating they do not exist...before when I operated this TV they worked fine Just wondering if there is a way to fix this

  • Anonymous Mar 24, 2014

    how can i change my tv channels and watch tv without a tv remote or tv box it wont let me go past channel 9 to watch


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  • Posted on May 24, 2007
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Universal remote control are normally programmed for basic functions, ie. chennel up down, volume up down, numbers, etc. This is even written in the manual that they do not guarantee that all functionality can be used. Here are your options: 1. Try all the codes that match your TV, there is a slim chance that the other code have the functionality that you need. 2. Buy the original model remote control. 3. If you know of someone that have the same TV, buy a universal remote control with 'learning' function and copy the signal from the original remote control. I have the same problems before. Now I use my Casio wrist remote control to copy the special functions such as A/V so that even if the original remote control is lost, I can still use these functionality


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  • Posted on May 28, 2007
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Joined: May 28, 2007

Without remote go to menu reset all of the channels and then mannually bring them back


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How do i get to the input of the symphonic tv model:sc3813

You should be able to access the A/V input by cycling through all available channels (using the Channel Up/Down buttons). You may need the A/V device to be powered on. However, if you programmed the Channel list to skip Aux, you may need to add that back into the list. You need the Menu function on the remote. Use the Up/Down arrows to navigate to Channel Set Up. Then press the F.Fwd (right arrow) to enter the sub-menu. Then select the Add/Delete Channel option.

Another way to access the A/V input is accessed by pressing the Game button on the original remote. (This also adjusts the screen lighting.) The game button is the middle button on the last row of buttons on the remote. If you do not have the original remote, you need one that matches that function. Here is one that is guaranteed to work: . This one may also work: .

The Symphonic SC3813 was manufactured by Funai. The manual is available from Funai service support: . The direct link to the manual is .

I hope this helps.

Cindy Wells

How to turn a symphonic tv into game

symphonic is well known for this-no buttons on unit for key features and a universal is not going to help either, suggest you go in search of the original remote and hang onto it.....

Trying to connect a Sega Genesis. I know it's connected properly to the place where the cable wire goes and then that is connected to the connector. What channel do I go to to play the games?


The input from the Sega wont be on any channel number - you need to select the correct input for the Sega using the "INPUT SELECT" button on the Symphonic remote control supplied with the TV. Switch on the TV the Sega, then press this button repeatedly until you can see the picture from the Sega.

- If you are using the sockets on the BACK of the TV, the correct input is "VIDEO 1"
- If you are using the sockets on the FRONT of the TV, the correct input is "VIDEO 2". You can also switch to the "VIDEO 2" input by pressing the "GAME" button on the Symphonic remote - if you still have it.

If you don't have the Symphonic remote, look for a button marked "INPUT" or "SOURCE" if you are using a universal remote.

If you don't have any remote for the TV, you will only be able to use the sockets on the front of the TV. You will then need to switch to "GAME MODE" by using the buttons on the front of the TV:

1. Switch ON the TV and the Sega;
2. Press the MENU button;
3. Press the VOLUME UP button to open the PICTURE MENU;
4. Highlight GAME MODE using the CHANNEL UP/DOWN buttons;
5. Set GAME MODE to "ON" using the VOLUME UP/DOWN buttons;
6. Press MENU again to close the menu

You should now be able to see the picture from the Sega. If not, check you have correctly connected the Sega to the TV. When you have finished using the Sega you will need to use the method above to switch game mode off again.

Hopefully, I've covered every possible angle. If you have a different Symphonic TV model from the one listed above (ST420FF), the method should be similar, but if you have any difficulty, please post back for further assistance.


Can I change input mode manually?

Try channel button to 1-2-3--99-98-1-2-3 up & down it should come between 0 & 1

Need to put tv on video 2 mode to use ps3 and no remote

Have you tried running through the channels until they wrap around and start over again? Alot of TV's will throw the AV inputs in there before the first broadcast channels.

If not (and you're gonna hate my answer, but be kind to the messenger please!), you may have to purchase a new remote control from the manufacturer, which can be exorbitantly priced. Most 'Universal' remotes will act just like your Dish Network remote, and you will probably not be able to use any of your set's advanced functions through them.

I would recommend searching the web for the appropriate replacement remote control, you may get lucky on eBay and save a few bucks. Hope this helps!

Using v -smile on symphonic tv

go below Ch2, you may see L2 and L1 before it goes to ch132 or highest tuner channel.

DVD operation

scroll down on the channel button from channel 2. the different aux inputs should be there.there may also be a video/line in/source button on the front of the tv.if there isn't, you can buy a cheap universal remote for under $10 [even in some dollar stores for $1]

Lost Remote

the sony rm-v310 universal remote solved my problem. its about 15 bucks and worked on my symphonic 20" tv. bestbuy should have one.

Lost remote

Sorry, got to have the remote for this set...accordianman
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