Maytag 24 in. MDBH940AWS Built-in Dishwasher Logo
Rich Gould Posted on May 21, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Noise at end of drain cycle.

After several years of completely trouble free use the dishwasher has started making a loud and what sounds like a serious noise right towards the end of the drain cycle (approximately 2 minutes left on drain). The noise can best be described as something hard rubbing against a large gearwheel turning at speed. Since there are also splashing noises as well this is the best I can do right now. The noise is consistent with each cycle. I have looked inside the dishwasher but I can't see anything loose or broken anywhere. Nor can I see any bones or other hard food that might be the cause. The dishes are still being cleaned but I am concerned that something will break if this noise persists. (For all I know something is already broken.) I have some skill as a handyman and I have in the past replaced the entire motor on a GE dishwasher. My problem is that with this machine I don't really know where to start troubleshooting so any hints or tips will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Rich

  • Anonymous Jan 04, 2009

    I believe my dishwasher is making the same noise. Sounds like gears slipping. Noise is not constant, but seems to happen as cycles change? Not sure.


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  • Posted on May 21, 2007
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There aren't really all that many energetically moving parts inside a dishwasher - fewer still that are active during the drain cycle. Follow the drain hose into the machine, and you should come upon the drain pump. Have a look inside that, and in the hose that runs between it and the sump it drains. My best guess is that some piece of buoyant debris is sitting in that line, and, as the water level drops, is lowered into the pump impellor. Usual warnings about disconnecting power before putting your hands inside the machine apply - and be aware that you're likely to find a bit of dirty water sitting around in the pump. A.

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